November 08, 2017
The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Unadilla, Nebraska, was held on Wednesday, November 08, 2017, 7:30 p.m. at the Unadilla Community Library. Notice of said meeting and proposed agenda of then known subjects was given by posting in the three following places within the Village: Countryside Bank, Post Office, and Community Center Notice Board; and by serving a copy of said notice to each member of the Board of Trustees more than 5 days prior to said meeting. Trustees present: Dan Crownover, Janet Oelke, Dale Stoner, and Lynn Schomerus. Absent: Scott Hincker
Chairman Crownover called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. He reminded everyone of the location of the Open Meetings Act Poster.
Stoner made a motion to approve the October 2017 minutes; Schomerus seconded, and motion carried 3-0.
Oelke made a motion to approve the October 2017 treasurer’s report; Stoner seconded, motion carried 3-0.
The Keno check was in the amount of $4,670.32
Water consumed: 673,000; water paid for: 604,000; balance for month:
-69,000; YTD: -1,698,000. Chlorination was started on the water system 10-23 for 7 days. Samples are being taken daily around town to check the levels along with flushing the hydrants and dead-end lines. Rural Water is assisting in this process. Samples will be taken to the state lab when the chlorination in completed.
Schoolhouse items: Small heaters have been purchased for several of the rooms that are not being used very often instead of turning on the big boiler at this time. Clerk will monitor the rooms and if they work good, additional heaters will be purchased.
Coop Property: Attorney Jerry Stilmock is working on the paperwork and Ordinance and will notify the Village when that is complete.
Public comments - none
Projects for the One and Six Year Plan were discussed for the upcoming year. The Board decided to do maintenance again the for year and not do any projects.
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Schomerus made a motion to go ahead with the audit waiver again this year, Stoner seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Discussion was held on installing 1 or 2 lights at the community center on the parking area in front added safety. Clerk will research different lights and costs.
Water, sewer and garbage rates were discussed for the upcoming year and it was decided to leave the rates the same.
Claims were reviewed for November payment:
7130 OPPD transformer 2,897.00
7131 Menards heaters 197.98
7133 Dwight Kastens wage/122 hrs 1,417.33
7133 Arlin Rohlfs wage/30 hrs 290.90
7134 Rita Compton wage/13.5 hs 143.37
7135 Barb Wilhelm wage/20 hrs 251.28
7136 Corinne Zahn wage/102.5 hrs mile 1,490.37
7137 NC Utilities utilities 1,442.93
7138 DHHS water samples 168.00
7139 RWD#3 water 1,696.95
7140 Zito Media isi 131.06
7141 Recyc Enterprises recycling 200.00
7142 Syr. Do It Best keys, paper pro, cord 89.47
7143 Stutheit Impl. Switch harness 24.67
7144 B&B Pump diesel 24.67
7145 Kastens Elec air comp, water 152.00
7146 Municipal Supply water meters 736.98
7147 Gen Fire & Safety fire alarm inspec 130.00
7148 Galen Gartner Ele electric work/air units 1,627.73
7149 Dan Crownover wage 92.35
7150 Dale Stoner wage 69.26
7151 Janet Oelke wage 69.26
7152 Scott Hincker wage 69.26
7153 Lynn Schomerus wage 69.26
7154 Seneca Sanitation garbage 2,180.30
7155 Dan Crownover dig line at pit 166.23
7156 Midwest Lab sewer samples 179.50
7157 Dan’s Tire pickup, generator, spr 329.09
7158 Doug Ebert wage/18 hrs, mileage 534.04
7159 Burr & Assoc. prepare audit waiver 430.00
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AWD Ne Dept Revenue sales tax 327.39
AWD IRS 941 1,005.02
7160 Windstream phone 68.04
TOTAL $18,701.69
Oelke made a motion to pay claims, Schomerus seconded, and motion carried 3-0.
The list of delinquent water and sewer patrons was reviewed. Shut-offs have been sent to: Account #017, 022, 032, 037, 074, 075, 088, 140, 176, and 183.
Correspondence: Unadilla Area Foundation will host a welcome reception at the Duncan Building on 12-5-17 at 5:30. Clerk reported that the All Fund Drive letters have been mailed out. Clerk to start on 2020 Census.
The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Village Clerk-Treasurer
A complete and current copy of these proceedings is available for
inspection at the Village Office during normal business hours.