The meeting was called to order by President Barb Wilhelm at
10:10 a.m. with Peggy Leefers, Larry Larson, Bob Brandt, and Maureen Vogt
present. Minues of the previous meeting were approved without
any additions or corrections.
The treasurer reported that he had requested a $400 check to pay for
the individual running the tractor pull and that check was given to
Maureen Vogt to give to him on June 20th. Maureen, Larry, and Bob
will help with the registration at the tractor pull. Shirley Conradi
and Bob Bryan will also be asked to participate.
A discussion was held in regard to the upcoming fund drive for
the shelter. The cost estimate of $33,000 was reviewed and the
suggested amounts for donations were $500 (name on plaque and T-shirt),
$250 (T-shirt and name in newspaper), and $100 (name in newspaper).
It was indicated that perhaps we give away some commemorative
postcards to the $100 donors and either a bumper sticker or license
plate frame for $250 contributors. Barb will formulate a letter
and work with Bob to get a flyer ready for Unadilla Day, so we
can solicit at that time.
Larry Larson also showed the commemorative gun, which will be
raffled off on Groundhog Day in 2010. He was authorized to get
raffle tickets printed so they will be available for the Unadilla
Greg Wagner and Dick Turpin will speak this year at 2:30 p.m. at the
school gym on Groundhog Day. It was also suggested that Greg Blecka
be moved to the maintenance building or fire hall, and that the
Rescue Squad or Fire Department be in charge of the band. Barb
also indicated that she will get an application to the County for
reimbursement of funds for the events that qualify.
Peggy said that she is still looking for a vendor to do the food at
the gym. She will hopefully find a non-profit organization that
is responsible and willing to do the food. A copy of the bid and
spec's submitted by Ed Pfeiffer dba Syracuse Iron Works is
attached to these minutes.
The next meeting will be held July 14, 2009, at the Village Office
at 10:00 a.m.
Bob Brandt, Secretary