Unadilla Area Foundation Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 10:15 a.m. by President Barb Wilhelm, with Larry Larson, Maureen Vogt, and Bob Brandt present.
Barb indicated that the Color Guard will be led by VFW Post 5547 and Legion Post 100, both from Syracuse. The minutes of 11-17-09 should be changed to reflect these facts.
Barb asked Bob to give an update on the proposed shelter, which we received a grant from the Kimmel Foundation. Bob indicated that he is waiting on the estimates to submit to Wendy at the Foundation so that the money can be deposited in our account at the Nebraska Community Foundation.
Receipts for the All-fund Drive are $4250 to date.
Larry noted that the foundation is still looking for volunteers to help with Groundhog Day. Thank you to Janet Simmons, Shirley and Ron Conradi for volunteering for a 2-3 hour shift.
Bob indicated that the Greg Blecka Band will not be playing in the Duncan Building due to conflicts with the soup contest and other events. We are still looking for a location for the Band.
Bob reported that Carolyn Gigstad had notified him that we received a grant to help advertise and defray the cost of entertainment from the Otoe County Visitor's Committee. Thanks to Carolyn for making the presentation on our behalf at their November meeting.
Barb indicated that there will be a public forum in regard to the use of the elementary school building and gym in Unadilla. This meeting will be held at 8:00 p.m. on December 8, 2009, at the elementary school auditorium in Syracuse.
The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 12 at 10:00 a.m. in the Village Clerk's office. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Bob Brandt, Secretary