The meeting was called to order at 10:15 a.m. by President Barb Wilhelm
with Larry Larson and Bob Brandt present.
Co-ordination for the upcoming Groundhog Day Celebration was discussed.
Barb will make sure the town board has the streets blocked off for the
parade. Bob will contact the junior high band and Color Guard people
to make sure they are set for attendance. Bob indicated Mel Giittinger,
Dan Whitney, and Gary Royal would be the judges for the soup
contest held at the Duncan Building. All entries are due by 1:00 p.m.
Barb reported that receipts for the All Fund Drive totaled
$6510. Last year they totaled $5950. A list of the contributions
disbursed is as follows: Unadilla Rescue $1550, Unadilla
Fire $1645, Library $245, Unadilla Area Foundation $1405,
Unadilla Cemetery $235, Handi Bus $65, March of Dimes $20,
Relay for Life $100, Red Cross $50, Alzheimer's $70, Project
Violence $25, American Heart Association $55, Region V, $85,
Syracuse Food Bank $935, and Palmyra Food Bank $25.
Larry stated that he is collecting items
for the Silent Auction. He said that Jerry Friede had donated a
belt buckle that is handmade and one of a kind! Thanks Jerry for
your donation. It was also noted that the raffle tickets for the
.22 rifle are available. Bob is in the process of getting brochures
prepared to advertise the event and note where each activity is
taking place. He also noted that we are receiving $499 from the
Otoe County Visitor's Association. Barb indicated that she would
like a picture of the groundhog shirt to post on the website. Bob
said he would have Barry Brandt take the picture. This picture
was the winner of our groundhog poster contest last year and
drawn by local student, Jamison Bennett.
It was also noted that the King and Queen contestant's jars
are in the Bar and that proceeds will go to the Fire & Rescue
squads. The King nominees are: Glen Isaacs, Joe Kreifels,
Nick Liesemeyer, Marty Ramsey, and Bob Wilhelm. For Queen:
Laurel Kreifels, Lisa Gonzalez, Amanda Dutten, Lori Berner,
and Karla Zahn.
Larry also indicated that Don Ullrich will give a pictorial documentary
on his return to Vietnam after the war. Don has returned two or
three times and will have some very interesting insight as to how the
country has changed since the war. Dick Turpin and Greg Wagner
had to cancel due to conflicts at the last moment.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned
Bob Brandt, Secretary