Unadilla Area Foundation Meeting Minutes




                The meeting was called to order at 10:05 a.m. by President Barb Wilhelm with all members present. 


                Barb indicated that she did not receive the November minutes and that it would be helpful to have them e-mailed to her so she could post them on the website.  Bob indicated that he would e-mail her both the November and January minutes as soon as they were available. 


                It was noted that groundhog shirts are for sale and that sales have been fairly brisk.  These shirts are currently being offered for sale at Countryside Bank and The Bar at a cost of $15 each or two for $25 and children’s shirts are $10 each.  Bob indicated that he is ordering more children’s shirts this year due to the demand that was not met in 2010. 


A discussion was also held in regard to new brochures.  Peggy indicated that she would like the brochure updated by February 5, 2011 so that they could be used during the Groundhog festivities, especially at the library.  Bob indicated that he would update the brochure and get it to Peggy in time for the celebration.  Peggy also indicated that she has prizes to be used at the library’s grand opening on February 5, 2011. 


A discussion was held in regard to the scheduling of events at Groundhog’s Day.  Bob indicated that he would have the groundhog flyer out with the king and queen nominees by the end of the week.  Peggy indicated that the quit raffle drawings by the Christian Church and the Fire & Rescue will be held at noon. 


Larry indicated that silent auction items need to be given to him so he can accumulate them for the day of the auction and foundation raffle.  Barb will list these items on the website, which are donated by area businesses and individuals.  A discussion was held in regard to designating a little or Mr. or Mrs. Groundhog.  This will be taken under consideration for 2012.  Bob indicated that he does have a children’s Groundhog suite and perhaps this should be utilized.  Bob noted that the King and Queen contestants for this year are as follows:  King – Jeremy Wilhelm, Gabe Meints, Ray Doeden, Lynn Schomerus and Ronnie Ringland.  Queen – Becca Berner, Maggie Lechner, Mindy Liesemeyer, Jean Lucas and Angie Tams.  A copy of the Groundhog flyer is attached to these minutes. 


It was noted that volunteer help for Groundhog’s Day has been received in the past from many people.  Peggy indicated that she could always use some volunteers.  Individuals wanting to volunteer can either contact Peggy Leefers or Barb Wilhelm at the City Clerk’s Office if they would like to help.  Bob indicated that in the past volunteer help has been provided by Duane Hansen, Ron & Shirley Conradi, Janet Simons, Jill Sheeler, Bill Farmer and Perry Stoner, just to name a few.  In addition, volunteers are needed for judges and to help with various activities.  This is the foundations number one fundraiser and all members are involved in the preparation and actual Groundhog Day festivities.  We need to give the people in and around our area a big pat on the back for their volunteerism. 


Bob indicated that he will contact Jill Sheeler in regard to heading up the judges for the soup contest and Michelle Hillman for the jerky contest.  Maureen and Barb will again provide the organizational skill for this event.  A free will donation will be collected after the contest for those who want to have a taste of the soups from three categories: Chili, vegetable, and other. 


Barb reported the final tally for the receipts from the All Fund Drive were $5,865.  This is a bit lower than the $6,510 that was received in 2009 and $5,950 in 2008.    The following was collected:   Rescue $1,225, Fire $1,360, Library $515, Foundation $1,705, Cemetery $210, Handibus $105, Relay for Life $120, Alzheimer $80, Heart Association $105, Syracuse FB $275, Palmyra FB $65, Red Cross $50, and Region V $50.


Bob noted that we received a $500 subsidy from the Otoe County Visitors Association to promote Groundhog’s Day and noted that Karen Wyatt-Drevo, who was born and raised in Unadilla, will give an educational presentation in regard to Maria Rodaway, her great-great grandmother, who homesteaded in the area in the 1860’s. 


Peggy led a discussion in regard to the needs of the library.  A discussion for fundraising was entertained.  It was suggested that we probably need to get specific of what the needs of the library are as time passes.  It might also be nice to setup an endowment fund for future operation of the library.  Hopefully we can do this with a matching grant, which may be available in the future. 


It was noted that the foundations next meeting will be held February 22nd at 10:00 a.m. at the school library.  By that time the City Clerk’s Office will also be located in the same building (elementary school) as the library. 


There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. 





                                                                                                Bob Brandt, Secretary