The meeting was called to order by President Barb Wilhelm at 10:05 a.m. with Peggy Leefers, Maureen Vogt, Larry Larson, and Bob Brandt present.
Review of the BBQ and dedication of the Kimmel/Block Shelter was discussed:
1. The speaker was excellent, but due to circumstances it was recommended that the band be scheduled for another hour next year and a speaker omitted.
2. The P&L was discussed. There was a short fall of approximately $300, which will be made up by the foundation to make sure the town is not subsidizing the BBQ.
3. Thank yous were discussed. Bob was instructed to send follow up thank you notes to Ernie Weyeneth, head of the Kimmel Foundation, and Rachel Dirkse. Bob indicated that we had received a letter from Rachel as a follow up to the BBQ dedication, which well be available on the website. A copy was given to each foundation member.
4. The little "tuggers" event was a success and some suggestions were made for next year. We will again have this in 2012.
5. The food was excellent, and we had many positive comments. All the barbeque ribs, chicken, and pulled pork was excellent. Some recommendations were made in order to improve the food line.
The upcoming Groundhog's Day Celebration was discussed. Larry distributed raffle tickets for the .22 rifle or $500 cash and indicated that we are off to a good start. Our goal is to raise $2000 in tickets.
Peggy also discussed the advantages of promoting quilts on area buildings, especially barns. She noted that this was brought to her attention by May Lamb and her daughters, Deanna and Janet, who along with other members of their family, painted a quilt on the side of their barn. This may be the start of the Unadilla Quilt Trail! Peggy has information and expertise on helping people either do the actual quilts or hire someone to put quilts on the favorite outbuilding or barn.
Future projects were suggested. The Community Center was the primary topic of discussion for future funding. Not only does a sign or possible a marque needs to be obtained, but the cost of ongoing maintenance for the community building needs to be addressed. Bob suggestion that we consider a permanent endowment, which hopefully we can fund with matching donations by one or more donors.
Peggy also indicated that the library could always use money for additional shelving and this is something that is needed currenty.
Bob gave the treasurer's report. He indicated that we are currently not invested in any long term investments. The balance in our fund is $20,665.71.
A short discussion was held in regard to the All Fund Drive. It was noted that we will need to meeting on October 18, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. to review the All Fund mailing list. In addition, we will set a meeting date to send out the mailings for the 2011 All Fund Drive. An additional contribution category of an endowment for maintenance for the Community Center will be included in this year's drive.
There being no further business it was moved by Peggy Leefers and seconded by Maureen Vogt to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed, all voting yea.
Bob Brandt, Unadilla Area Foundation Secretary