Unadilla Area Foundation Meeting Minutes


                The meeting was called to order Tuesday, April 17, 2012 at 10:10 a.m. with all members present.

                Barb indicated that she would be in contact with Daryl Draper in regard to portraying Teddy Roosevelt at the 2013 Groundhog Day Celebration.   She also has a second choice in mind, if this does not work out.

                Bob indicated that as of 12-31-11 there was $29,856.91 in our fund.  The proceeds from Groundhog’s Day are not reflected in the 12-31-11 report.  Bob also reported that he received a thank you from Region V Services for our donation.  A $100 donation was received from Ron & Judy Parks for our community center endowment fund.  They were part of the Nebraska Community Foundation contingent that attended the workshop in Unadilla in February. 

                Barb indicated that Dan Masters will be at the town board meeting on May 9, 2012 in regard to cooking meat for the BBQ.  The BBQ is Saturday, June 23, 2012.  The town will pay for all the expenses and the foundation will reimburse them for all the expenses of the BBQ.  Any income will be turned over to the foundation.  The Little Tugger’s will have their tractor pull, in addition to the Southeast Community Band playing during the ceremonies.  We will again have a free will offering.  A discussion ensued on how to make the food line more efficient.  Barb indicated that the youth group would again be helping with the desserts.  We still need volunteers for clean up and to help transport the food from the cooker to the kitchen area. 

                Bob indicated that the Bank still has commemorative vests and shirts for the 25th Unadilla Groundhog Day Celebration for sale at the bank.

                The next meeting will be Tuesday, July 18, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. at the library.  There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. 


                                                                                                Bob Brandt, Secretary