The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by President Barb Wilhelm. Members present were Donna Crownover, Larry Larson for the first part of the meeting, and Bob Brandt for the second part.

   The first order of business was to entertain a motion by President Wilhelm to thank Peggy Leefers for the donation in memory of Jerry Leefers. A portion of the money will be used to purchase an indoor/outdoor speaker that can be ran by electricity or battery powered.

   Barb also reported that Deb Gress will be serving food every Monday starting October 29, 2012. Deb Gress, also known as "Cravings", will be serving lunch in the gym.

   The letter for the All-Fund Drive was also reviewed and it will be mailed out around November 1, 2012. Countryside Bank will pay the postage for the mailing.

   It was also reported that Susan Porter and Sharon Baker donated a check for $440, which represented proceeds from the Unadilla Fun Run. There was a two hour rain delay, with over forty runners. Thanks for an event well done!

   After a short discussion it was moved by Donna Crownover and seconded by Barb Wilhelm to renew our membership with the Statewide Arboretum at a cost of $100. Motion passed, all voting yea.

   Barb also noted that it will be the Village of Burr's 125th anniversary in 2013, and also the Countryside Bank, Unadilla, which was chartered in 1888 as the Bank of Unadilla.

   Bob reported that a long time staff member, Doug Friedli, of the Nebraska Community Foundation, has resigned his position at the end of September to assume a new position as Executive Director of the Missouri River Basin Lewis & Clark Interpretive Trails and Visitors Center in Nebraska City.

   The next meeting is scheduled for November 27, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. at the Unadilla Library. Visitors are always welcome.

   There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 11:20 a.m.

                                                                               Robert Brandt, Secretary