The meeting was called to order by President Barb Wilhelm with Bob Brandt, Peggy Leefers, Larry Larson, and Donna Crownover present. Maureen Vogt was absent.
Minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and approved without any additions or corrections.
Bob reported that he applied for a $500 grant from the Otoe County Visitors Promotional Fund. This grant will be used for Groundhog’s Day advertising and activities. Discussion was held on candidates for Grand Marshall and for advertising the celebration.
Peggy reported that Christie Brehm will coordinate the quilt show in room #1 by the gym. All other activities at the community center will be the same as last year with the speaker this year being Darrel Draper portraying as Theodore Roosevelt at 10:30 a.m. Groundhog t-shirts will be available by the 15th of December and we will be celebrating our 25th anniversary of being the Groundhog Capitol of Nebraska. Shirts will be $15 per shirt or two for $25. They will as be on sale at the Duncan Building on Groundhog’s Day, if supplies remain available. Barb reported that Matt and Michelle will again coordinate the jerky and soup contest. Larry and Margo will coordinate the silent auction and the drawing will be in the Duncan Building at 2:00 p.m. Donna Crownover will help coordinate activities in the Duncan Building, which will include food being served by the boy scouts.
Barb indicated that the All Fund Drive results were over $4,000 to date. Last year’s total was $7,416.
Larry indicted that he is beginning to collect silent auction items and selling raffle tickets for the commemorative Henry riffle or $500 cash prize. Any business that wishes to donate should contact Larry or leave an item at the Community Center with Barb which has a value of at least $25. This is an excellent way to promote your business and help the Community Foundation at the same time.
Barb indicated that she will go back to the town in regard to signage for the Community Center. The foundation will contribute up to $2,000 for signage on the front of the building.
A discussion was help in regard to the endowment which has been established for the Community Center. The purpose of our endowment is to provide operating funds for the Community Center, which will keep it operating in years to come. It was suggested that donations over $2,000 to the endowment be recognized by placing their name on a plaque in the library. It was also noted that contributions of grain could be attractive for farmers in the area. They can donate grain from the elevator directly, that not only limits their tax liability, but increases their giving and can deduct expense that was used to produce the grain. Any producer that is interested in donating grain should contact one of the foundation members for additional information. This is a win-win situation for both the donor and the foundation.
Other items of business were also discussed:
1. The cost of the postage for the mailing for the All Fund Drive was $127.80. This was provided by Countryside Bank. Countryside Bank also provided raffle tickets which were produced by Kristi Buller.
2. Bill Farmer will help with the purchase of a portable microphone which will be used from proceeds from the Jerry Leefers memorial.
3. The foundations priorities are raising money are for the Library, rescue squad, fire department and the Community Center endowment. Other area non-profits and civic organizations may apply for funding for special projects.
4. Our Groundhog’s Day celebration will be on actual Groundhog’s Day this year, February 2, 2013.
5. A big thank you to John Moss for doing the signage on the south edge on the park. The park is really visible from the old highway now since the town removed the trees along the ditch to the south.
6. Jerry and Peggy Leefers also donated roses, which were planted with the new landscape wall that was installed by Lynn Schomerus, Dan Crownover, Jason Schomerus, Mark Czapla, Curt Kimbell, and Bob Wilhelm. The wall was paid for by the Village of Unadilla.
7. Bob reported that the treasury now has a total of $32,768.11 of this amount $1,923.03 has been allocated towards the Community Center endowment.
8. The next meeting is scheduled for December 18th at 9:30 a.m. in the library. All visitors are welcome.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
Bob Brandt