Unadilla Area Fund Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order by President Barb Wilhelm with Peggy, Donna, Maureen, Larry and Bob present. Corrine was absent.
The minutes of the last meeting were approved as submitted. Bob indicated that the treasury had a total of $41,481.12 as of 3-13-13. The Community Center Endowment account had a balance of $3,234.57.
The BBQ was discussed. The consensus was that it was an excellent day with the park looking as good it’s ever looked before. Profits of approximately $400 should be turned over to the foundation from the Village. It was noted that Countryside Bank will make a $3,000 donation to the Unadilla Fund general account, with this money being used to enhance the foundation activities as the committee sees fit.
A discussion was held in regard to absorbing the Unadilla Merchants money into the foundation and using the All Fund Drive as a vehicle to add businesses to our donation list.
Peggy and the Leefers family will be sponsoring a pizza party on August 2, 2013 at the shelter in the park for all the volunteers who worked on the sidewalks connecting the shelter and bathrooms. This is a welcome addition to the park as it made catering at the BBQ to the shelter much easier, and also provided a solid path to walk on. The pizza party will start at 7:00 p.m. Peggy also invited members of the foundation to attend.
Larry indicated that the raffle will be moving forward and that silent auction items need to be obtained from merchants for the auction during the Groundhog Celebration. We will also include this solicitation in our All Fund solicitation, which will be prepared on October 8th, which is our next scheduled foundation meeting.
Bob informed the committee that a Nebraska Community Foundation annual meeting will be held in Nebraska City on Friday, November 8, 2013. All members were encouraged to set aside that date so that they can attend all or a portion of the annual meeting and banquet.
There being no further business it was moved by Larry and seconded by Maureen. Motion passed unanimously and the meeting was adjourned.
Bob Brandt, Secretary/Treasurer