Unadilla Area Fund Minutes


                The meeting was called to order by President Barb Wilhelm at 10:10 a.m. with Peggy Leefers, Corinne Zahn and Bob Brandt present.  It was noted that Larry Larson was in a car accident and is in Lincoln and is on his way to recovery at Bryan West Hospital. 

                Barb made a motion to approve $400 worth of bills in regard to planting memorial trees at the park.  Motion was seconded by Peggy.  Motion passed all voting yea. 

                It was also noted that there is $38,771.59 in the general fund as of 3-31-14.  The Community Center Endowment Fund has a balance of $4,287.23.  It was moved by Bob Brandt to transfer $874 from the general fund to the endowment fund, which is invested in a mutual fund.  This represents 1/3 of the King & Queen proceeds from Groundhog’s Day. 

                A short discussion was held in regard to upcoming Unadilla BBQ Day.  It was noted that Dan Masters will again cater the BBQ, which will be held on 6-28-14.  A horseshoe and volleyball contest will also be conducted during the day.  The Southeast Community Band and Little Tuggers events will also be held at the park before the BBQ.  Bob indicated that he will visit with Waschicka Society to see if they would like a program for the Diken Prairie on that day.

                The follow items were also discussed:

  • Thank you cards were reviewed from donations collected from the All Fund Drive.

  • Bob indicated that a presentation at the alumni banquet would be a good idea to promote our foundation.  Barb indicated that a checklist of our foundations accomplishments and contributions needed to be publicized by each member of the foundation.  She will work on getting some bullet points for each member to note. 

  • Bob indicated that he is in the process of getting tags for memorial trees in the park

  • Bob will also follow up in regard to the new flag for the park, which will be paid from money contributed by the merchants association.

  • It was noted that the Countryside Bank paid $600 to pay the annual fee to sponsor the community website. 

  • The speaker for 2015 Groundhog’s Day has been retained according to President Wilhelm.  The topic will be “Well balanced women seldom make history!”  Lyn Messersimth and Deb Carpenter Knolting will be the presenters. 

  • The Unadilla Clean-up Day will be June 21, 2014

  • The BBQ will be held on Saturday, June 28, 2014

  •                 The next foundation meeting will be held Monday, June 9, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. in the Duncan Bldg.  Light refreshments will be available.  As always the meeting is open to the public. 

                    There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. 

                                                                                                                    Bob Brandt
