Unadilla Area Fund Meeting Minutes
April 7, 2015 10:00 a.m. Unadilla Library
Present: Barb Wilhelm, Maureen Vogt, Peggy Leefers, Larry Larson, Corrine Zahn, and Sue
Saathoff. Absent: Bob Brandt, Donna Crownover.
President Barb Wilhelm called the meeting to order. Minutes of previous meeting were
reviewed. Motion for approval was made by Maureen Vogt, was seconded by Peggy Leefers,
and approved by members.
A discussion was held regarding potential new members for the board. Two names were
mentioned and will be followed up on.
The request that was made by Bob Brandt to the Nemaha Resource District for a $25,000
matching grant was discussed. If approved, this will be used for the walk/bike trail. The trail
proposal will be presented to the Unadilla board.
Barb Wilhelm gave on update regarding the Unadilla History Room. She has publicized the
request for local veteran’s pictures and stories. She will have a display that changes. The plan
is to have this room be open on Saturday mornings same time as library, perhaps once a
month. The Otoe County Genealogy Society is also considering opening once a month on
Discussion was held regarding the Memorial Day lunch to be offered at the Community Center.
Peggy reported that she had made application through Thrivent and received approval. They
will provide a $250 Visa card which can be used for supplies. In addition, they provide 16 T-
shirts, announcements, and a banner. Frank and Joyce Schulze have donated 15 pounds of
hamburger to be used for the luncheon. Final plans will be made at the next meeting.
Barb reported she has a long list of potential speakers for next year’s Groundhog Day from the
Humanities Nebraska organization. Discussion was held and it was agreed we will keep to
topics of history for the area or state. Barb will bring the list to the June meeting for further
Barb reported that Jodi Valish who won the 5K race, “Run Like Addi” in Syracuse last week
would be a great candidate to lead the Groundhog Day Parade next year. All agreed.
No treasurer’s report was given.
Donna Crownover receives emails from the Nebraska Event Tourism Association and had asked
if others wanted to be added to the mailing list. Barb stated she also gets them.
Donna had also asked if Unadilla will be requesting funds from the Otoe County Visitors
Committee to be used to advertise our June Unadilla Days. It was agreed that funds will be
requested and Bob Brandt will make the request.
Sue Saathoff reported that Cabela’s, her former employer, had 10 conference table chairs they
are willing to donate to us. Everyone agreed we should accept this donation. Sue will work
with Cabela’s to pick up chairs.
Sue proposed adding an outside sign that lists all the offerings of the community center –
Village Office, library, exercise room, history room, etc. Discussion was held. All agreed this
was a good idea; would come down to cost and who would cover cost. Sue will research and
come back with proposals.
Next meeting is set for Tuesday, May 5th, 2015, at 10:00 at the Library.
Respectfully submitted:
Sue Saathoff