Unadilla Area Fund Meeting Minutes

December 8, 2015      4:30 p.m.            Duncan Building

Present:  Barb Wilhelm, Peggy Leefers, Corinne Zahn, Larry Larson, Glenda Willnerd, Bob Brandt, Sue Saathoff, Maureen Vogt, and Donna Crownover.

President Barb Wilhelm called the meeting to order.  Minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed.   Motion for approval to minutes was made by Bob Brandt, seconded by Peggy Leefers and approved by members.

Treasurer’s Report:

Bob distributed the financial reports received from the Nebraska Community Foundation.  Balances as of September 30, 2015, were:

            All Fund Drive                                                 $   400.00

            CC Endowment Fund                                       $ 5,537.42

            General Fund                                                  $55,184.61

            Total                                                                $61,122.03

Disbursements since last meeting of October 6, 2015:

            Two (2) park benches (Jerry Leefer memorial)         $982.00

            Signage for arboretum                                               $85.09

            Village walk path                                                        $25,000.00

            Final payment for walk path to Village                      $7,798.00

            Signage for park                                                         $195.70

            Jake Robinson             - draft plans for walk path                  $297.50

Contributions since last meeting of October 6, 2015:

            John & Mary Wilson                                       $300.00

            Omaha Community Foundation                     $1,000.00

            Unadilla All Fund Drive (as of 12/7/15)          $8,070.00

The walk path has been completed.  A big thank you to the following:

Dale and Pam Henke for the donation of the straw. 

Countryside Bank for the donation of plants for a wildflower patch – total of $409.87.

Peggy Leefers for two benches bought from the Jerry Leefers Memorial fund.

Bob and Barb Wilhelm for a bench.

As noted in the contributions section, the All Fund Drive has brought in $8,070.00 thus far.  This is $1000 above last year.   The request for donations included a history of projects completed by the foundation and was placed in the mail on October 27th with a December 1st reply-by date.  Postage was paid for by the Countryside Bank.    A big thank you to all who have donated.

Representatives from the Omaha Community Foundation called both Bob and Barb and even paid Unadilla a visit.  They are looking to provide assistance for community projects.  As noted, they made a donation of $1,000.00.

Sue Saathoff made a motion to approve, Donna Crownover seconded, and all members approved both the treasurer’s report and the transactions listed above.

Election of Officers:

Election of officers was held with the following officers to serve in 2016:

            President:  Barb  Wilhelm

            Vice President:  Corinne Zahn

            Secretary:  Sue Saathoff

            Treasurer:  Bob Brandt

New Items:

The By-Laws of the Foundation had been distributed prior to the meeting.  All agreed these needed to be revised.  Bob had reached out to Greta Leach, Director of Community Development Philanthropy, regarding our by-laws.  She is very willing to assist us with revising the by-laws and in perhaps leading an orientation session for our board.  It was decided to have a sub-committee follow up with Greta.  Sue Saathoff, Glenda Willnerd, and Maureen Vogt volunteered to serve on the committee and will work with Greta.

A short discussion of the Unadilla Benefits sheet was held.  This will be distributed at the reception to be held later this evening.  A couple of items were proposed to be added to the list:  the weekly newsletter and website, kid’s water slide, Village wide arboretum.

Discussion was held regarding the use of funds provided by the Otoe County Visitor’s Bureau.  This year Unadilla will use $500 for advertising of our Groundhog Celebration.  Donna stated that more funds could be requested but the request needed to be made at least six (6) months prior to its use.  Bob will plan for this for next year. 

Donna Crownover has served six (6) years as a member of the Otoe County Visitor’s Bureau and her tenure will be done December 31, 2015.  The Bureau is looking for a new member.  Donna stated that to serve is a four (4) year commitment with meetings held every month.  The Bureau’s focus is on providing grants to communities for advertising outside of Otoe county for events held in the county. 

The Foundation is hosting a reception this evening at 5:30 for new residents of Unadilla.  Approximately 34 invitations were sent with 15 responding of planned attendance.  The purpose of the meeting is to welcome the new residents and inform them of all that Unadilla has to offer them.  Summary of the results of this reception will be covered at the next meeting.

Next Meeting

It was agreed that a meeting would be held prior to the February 6th Groundhog Day Celebration.  The next meeting will be Tuesday, January 12th, at 10:00 at the Library.

Meeting was adjourned.

                                                                                    Respectfully submitted:

Sue Saathoff, Secretary