Unadilla Area Fund Meeting Minutes
February 9, 2016 10:00 a.m. Library
Present: Barb Wilhelm, Peggy Leefers, Larry Larson, Bob Brandt, Glenda Willnerd, Maureen Vogt, Donna Crownover, Corinne Zahn, and Sue Saathoff.
Guest: Greta Leach, Director of Community Development Philanthropy, Nebraska Community Foundation.
President Barb Wilhelm called the meeting to order. Minutes of the previous meeting were read. Motion for approval to minutes was made by Glenda Willnerd, seconded by Maureen Vogt and approved by members.
Treasurer’s Report:
Bob Brandt distributed copies of the December 31, 2015, financial reports received from the Nebraska Community Foundation. Balances are as follows:
All Fund Drive $ 9,160.00
CC Endowment Fund $ 5,618.84
General Fund $ 9,483.95
Total $24,262.79
Disbursements since last meeting of January 12, 2016:
1/22/16 Better Beef Producers 4-H Club $250.00
2/5/16 Ad in JD-NC News-Press $175.00
2/9/16 Unadilla Fire Dept. (1/3 King&Queen contest) $999.18
2/9/16 Unadilla Rescue Squad (1/3 King&Queen contest) $999.18
Contributions since last meeting of January 12, 2016:
1/20/16 John & Mary Wilson $200.00
(Hat’s & shirts donated by Countryside Bank)
2/9/16 Soup Contest – free will offering $ 78.00
2/9/16 2/3 of King&Queen contest funds $1,998.36
To Fire Dept. and Rescue Squad
2/9/16 1/3 of King&Queen contest funds – $999.16
To Endowment Fund
Other: Post Celebration Analysis
$965 sent from All-Fund Drive sent to village for Bike/Walk path
Note: Need to remove Bike/Walk Path as a choice on our next All-Fund drive mailing.
Thank you to everyone who contributed through the All Fund Drive. Each donor will be recognized on the Unadilla website unless they chose to opt out.
Sue Saathoff made a motion to approve, Donna Crownover seconded, and all members approved both the treasurer’s report and the transactions listed above.
Groundhog Day Celebration
Discussion was held regarding the Groundhog Day Celebration held on February 6th. All agreed it was a success. Governor Pete Ricketts was in attendance and served as Grand Marshall for the parade. The weather cooperated – sunshine and a temperature around 40 degrees. We received positive comments regarding the speaker, Doug Ganz, and his presentation “Dust Bowl Descent”. Please see attached summary sheet.
Peggy reported that $58 was raised through the Schwan fund raising program. She was disappointed in the execution of the program. The $58 will go to the Veterans Memorial room.
A thank you card was signed and given to Larry Larson for all his past work on the silent auction. Larry has retired from this project and passed this on to Bob Brandt and Reetha Neeman. A big thank you to Reetha for all her work on the silent auction this year. Also thank you to Donna, Peggy, Larry, Sue and Bob for their donation of items for the silent auction and to Donna for overseeing it on that day.
Congratulations to the winners of the raffle: 1st place – Bev Wilhelm – winner of a grill and $200 M&K Meats gift certificate; 2nd place – Denise Moerer – winner of a $200 M&K Meats gift certificate.
The 2016 King and Queen were crowned – congratulations to King Tom Hruby and Queen Shirley Fensler.
A thank you to Christie & Milan Brehm for their work on the quilt show – the setup, the displays, the take down and the organization. Sue reported that Christie stated we need to find a person to take over the job of lining up the quilts; she and Milan will continue to do set up and take down and to man the show.
A thank you to Julia Bennet for her work on the Library Kid’s Book Giveaway. Julia, who volunteers at the library, assisted in assembling the treat bags and manned the library assisting the kids in picking out a book.
Thank you to Corey Schulze and Sharon Demaree for the miniature Unadilla’s – both present and past – in the Unadilla History Room. The room was a popular spot.
There were 41 entries in the parade with a three-way tie for 1st place: Girl Scout Troop 20579 & 21; Cub Scout Pack 337; John Moss & Jason Newby – Classic Cars. Congratulations to the winners in our contests: Vegetable Soup – Nina Jean Rohlfs; Chili Soup – Steve Cooper; Other – Arlin Rohlfs; Best Use of Spam: 1st – Kevin Rohlfs, 2nd – Adam Bassinger; Jerky: 1st – Junior Grotrian, 2nd – Beaux Howard.
Thanks to all who participated and made the day a huge success.
Other Items
Sue reminded the group that a Painting Class is for Saturday, February 20, at the Unadilla Community Center. Sharon Demaree will be the instructor.
Unadilla Annual Bar-B-Que is scheduled for June 25th. Bob reported that we will include at the event a dedication of the new Bike/Walk path and a thank you to the Nemaha Resource District for their grant. Bob has applied for $600 through the Otoe County Visitor’s Bureau to use for advertising for the Bar-B-Que.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be Tuesday, April 5th, 2016, at 10:00 at the Library.
Meeting was adjourned.
Meeting was followed by an orientation led by Greta Leach from the Nebraska Community Foundation.
Respectfully submitted:
Sue Saathoff, Secretary