Many of you may not be familiar with the Unadilla Area Fund except for our All Fund Drive held each fall. It was organized in 1998 and this is what we've accomplished so far:
2002: Bunker Gear for Fire Dept. 2300.00
2002 Ball Caps 480.00
2003 Bleachers at Park 5000.00
2003 Curtains for Stage 2172.22
2008 Ambulance Purchase 10,000.00
2008 Matching Funds for Streetscape 15,000.00
2009 Preliminary Streetscape Design 788.70
2010 Covered Picnic Shelter 42,895.95
2014 Roof Repair on Community Center 10,000.00
Total 88,636.65
UAF also underwrites the Speaker on Groundhog Day, the celebration itself, as well as many other small projects in the area.