Ed Russell as a teenager
Pearl (Pell) Russell as a teenager
Ed & Pearl Russell wedding photo
Farm home of Ed & Pearl Russell
one mile west of Unadilla
Built in 1903 before their marriage
(now the home of Gary & Kathryn Ganger)
Ed, Pearl, & Kenneth Russell
Grandsons of Pearl & Ed Russell
Left: David, Terry, Jim
Nelle (Pell) Bose, John Pell, Pearl (Pell) Russell
Mother Amy Pell, sitting
Elevator and Depot (far right)
Arrow shows Russell & Schreiner Hardware Store
that burned in the 1911 fire
Ed, Pearl, & Kenneth Russell - Standing where their hardware store used to be (looking north) after the Main Street fire of 1911
Contributed by Jim Russell, Kenneth's son
The Depot in the 1908 flood
Looking north from the Bank
Methodist Church after remodel in 1913
Building committee: Ed Russell, Armead Botsford,
J.E. Bassett, Rev. Keiser
Ruins of the old "Roller Mills" building & dam
South of Unadilla