Ed Russell_teenager_001_500

Ed Russell as a teenager



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Pearl (Pell) Russell as a teenager



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Ed & Pearl Russell wedding photo




Ed _Pearl_Russell_farm_home_1_mile_west_001_500

Farm home of Ed & Pearl Russell

one mile west of Unadilla

Built in 1903 before their marriage

(now the home of Gary & Kathryn Ganger)



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Ed, Pearl, & Kenneth Russell



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Grandsons of Pearl & Ed Russell

Left: David, Terry, Jim




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Nelle (Pell) Bose, John Pell, Pearl (Pell) Russell

Mother Amy Pell, sitting



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Elevator and Depot (far right)

Arrow shows Russell & Schreiner Hardware Store

that burned in the 1911 fire




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Ed, Pearl, & Kenneth Russell - Standing where their hardware store used to be (looking north) after the Main Street fire of 1911

Contributed by Jim Russell, Kenneth's son



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The Depot in the 1908 flood



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Looking north from the Bank



Methodist Church_Bldg_Committee_1913_001_500

Methodist Church after remodel in 1913

Building committee: Ed Russell, Armead Botsford,

J.E. Bassett, Rev. Keiser



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Ruins of the old "Roller Mills" building & dam

South of Unadilla