March 13, 2019
The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Unadilla, Nebraska, was held on Wednesday, March 13, 2019, 7:30 p.m. at the Unadilla Community Library. Notice of said meeting and proposed agenda of then known subjects was given by posting in the three following places within the Village: Countryside Bank, Post Office, and Community Center Notice Board; and by serving a copy of said notice to each member of the Board of Trustees more than 5 days prior to said meeting. Trustees present: Dan Crownover, Dale Stoner, Janet Oelke, Scott Hincker and Lynn Schomerus. Visitors: Colton Lovell
Chairman Crownover called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. He reminded everyone of the location of the Open Meetings Act Poster.
Schomerus made a motion to approve the February 2019 minutes; Stoner seconded, and motion carried 4-0.
Hincker made a motion to approve the February 2019 treasurer’s report, Oelke seconded, motion carried 4-0.
The amount of the Keno check was $2,111.37.
Water consumed: 737,000; water paid for: 519,000; balance for month:
-218,000; YTD: -825,000. The water valve was replaced at 7th & G St. by Lovell Excavating. The is another possible leak in town. The water pump at the pit is running twice as normal. Colton Lovell of Lovell Excavating, discussed with the Board replacing about a block in a half of water lines on 5th Street and will get pricing. They will operate the valves to make sure they are all working properly this spring for $60.00 per hour for two people. The valves on the fire hydrants will be done next year. The Board agreed to have this done.
Schoolhouse items: The small window in the south gym door got broke and will be replaced.
BBQ preparations: Clerk reported the Little Tuggers contract was mailed and confirmed the date with Orchard Hill for the BBQ on June 22rd. New water slides were purchased. Clerk to purchase 3 new hoses and tarps yet.
Public comments: none
Unadilla cleanup day was discussed. Clerk to contact Papillion Sanitation to see about a dumpster. Stoner and Zahn will coordinate a clean up day at the park and around town.
Hincker made a motion to approve the April bond interest payment of $7,993.75, Schomerus seconded, motion carried 4-0.
The following claims were reviewed for March payment:
7655 Dwight Kastens wage/113.5 hrs $1,464.68
7656 Arlin Rohlfs wage/42.5 hrs 431.73
7657 Barb Wilhelm wage/25 hrs 322.85
7658 Corinne Zahn wage/84.5hrs 1,304.65
7659 NC City Util util 2,347.89
7660 Zito Media isi 88.45
7661 OPPD water pitt 33.00
7662 Recycling Ent recyc 200.00
7663 DHHS water sample 32.00
7664 B&B Pump fuel 112.19
7665 Syr Do It Best caution tape 10.49
7666 Municipal Supply valves, supplies 3,472.12
7667 Westover Rock 2 loads salted sand 2,084.62
7668 RWD#3 water 1,834.55
AWD Ne Dept of Rev sales tax 283.25
AWD IRS 941 1,019.52
7669 Syr Iron cut of wheels 101.00
7670 Gen Fire & Safety fire ext inspection 81.75
7671 Post Office Stamps 110.00
7672 Joseph Peterson weld plow 105.00
7673 Municipal Supply meter MK Meats 757.37
7674 Lynn Schomerus snow remov, water lines 376.47
7675 Seneca Sanitat garbage 2,150.60
7676 Amelia Zeiger water dep refund 62.08
7677 Dan Crownover wage 138.52
7678 Dale Stoner wage 115.44
7679 Janet Oelke wage 115.44
7680 Scott Hincker wage 115.44
7681 Lynn Schomerus wage 115.44
7682 Windstream phone 70.96
TOTAL $19,457.50
Stoner made a motion to pay the claims, Hincker seconded, and motioned carried 4-0.
The list of delinquent water and sewer patrons was reviewed. Account #037, 048, 063, 088, 108, 128, & 141.
In correspondence: Clerk to attend Clerks school in Kearney March 22. The Unadilla Community Center will be receiving the Community Benefactor Award from the Girl Scouts Spirit of Nebraska on April 23rd in Lincoln. Papillion Sanitation will be sending out a welcome letter to residents and will pick up on Thursdays here in town.
The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
Next meeting: 4-10-19 at the Village Library.
___________________________ Village Clerk-Treasurer
A complete and current copy of these proceedings is available for inspection at
The Village Office during normal business hours.