December 11, 2019


The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Unadilla, Nebraska, was held on Wednesday, December 11, 2019, 7:30 p.m. at the Unadilla Community Library. Notice of said meeting and proposed agenda of then known subjects was given by posting in the three following places within the Village: Countryside Bank, Post Office, and Community Center Notice Board; and by serving a copy of said notice to each member of the Board of Trustees more than 5 days prior to said meeting. Trustees present: Dan Crownover, Dale Stoner, Scott Hincker, Janet Oelke, and Lynn Schomerus. Visitors: Dave Hall arriving at 7:45.

Chairman Crownover called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. He reminded everyone of the location of the Open Meetings Act Poster. 

Hincker made a motion to approve the November 2019 minutes; seconded by Schomerus. On a roll call vote, Stoner, Oelke, Hincker, Schomerus and Crownover voted yea, none voted nay, motion carried 5-0.

Stoner made a motion to approve the November 2019 treasurer’s report; bank statements, reconciliation, and receipts, Oelke seconded. On a roll call vote, Stoner, Oelke, Hincker, Schomerus and Crownover voted yea, none voted nay, motion carried 5-0.

The following claims were reviewed:

Kastens $1,081.91, Wilhelm $226.24, Rohlfs $101.58, Zahn $1,347.96, USPS $110.00, Brandt Horan Hallstrom & Stilmock $582.46, RWD#3 $1,746.40, Papillion Sanation $2,082.75, NC Utilities $1,489.09, OPPD $33.00, Zito Media $108.03, Recycling Ent. $200.00, Gatehouse Media $41.02, JEO $1,600.00, JEO $600.00, DHHS $66.00, ABC Termite $120.00, Syracuse Do It Best $55.53, Alarm Link $255.00, Rural Water Assn. $125.00, IRS $905.83, NE Dept. of Revenue $282.93, Crownover $138.52, Oelke $115.44, Hincker $115.44, Schomerus $115.44, Windstream $74.47, Travelers Ins. $156.00, Countryside Agency $1,142.00, Bohl Plumbing $298.04, Gatehouse Media $42.50, Midwest Labs $151.00, and Nationwide Ins. $100.00

Schomerus made a motion to approve the claims, seconded by Hincker.  On a roll call vote, Stoner, Oelke, Hincker, Schomerus and Crownover voted yea, none voted nay, motion carried 5-0.



          The Keno check was in the amount of $6,186.83

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          Water consumed: (696,000); water paid for: (473,000); balance for month:(-223,000); corrected from the amount on the agenda. YTD: (-2,731,000). There was a positive of coliform on the November water test in two locations. The Village chlorinated for 7 days and had Viking come clean and disinfect the water tower.  A report of the condition of the tower is being reviewed.  The repeat test came back free of coliform.  Hydrants were flushed along with overflowing the tower. 

          Schoolhouse items:  Bohl Plumbing came and fixed the small gas leak in the girl’s locker room and cleaned the furnace igniter that was causing it to not fire correctly.  

          Cardinal Heights:  Final documents are in the process of being completed.      

          Public Comments:  Dave Hall submitted a letter of several concerns on the Quonset property agreement. The Board will address these concerns.




          Salaries were discussed for 2020.  Oelke made a motion to raise the salaries to the following, Stoner seconded.  On a roll call vote, Stoner, Oelke, Hincker, Schomerus and Crownover voted yea, none voted nay. Motion carried 5-0.

          The following salaries will be used beginning 1-01-2020:


                   Deputy Clerk……………………….$16.00/hr




                   Legal Counsel………………………as billed

                   CPA………………………………… billed

                   Water/Wastewater………………….$19.00/hr plus mileage

                   Extra Labor…………………………..$11.50/hr

                   Office help……………………………$11.00/hr


          Stoner made a motion to nominate Dan Crownover as Chairman of the Board for 2020, Hincker seconded. On a roll call vote, Stoner, Oelke, Hincker and Schomerus voted yea, none voted nay.  Crownover abstained. Motion carried 4-0.

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          Oelke made a motion to appoint the following committees for 2020, seconded by Stoner.  On a roll call vote, Stoner, Oelke, Hincker, Schomerus, and Crownover voted yea, none voted nay, motion carried 5-0.                                   

                             Streets & Alleys…………………….Scott Hincker

                             Sewer & Keno………………………Dan Crownover

                             Environment & Safety……………...Lynn Schomerus                                                       Water & Lights………………………Janet Oelke

                             Park…………………………………..Dale Stoner

          Corinne Zahn was reappointed as Clerk-Treasurer, Barb Wilhelm as Deputy Clerk and Dwight Kastens as Utility & Maintenance Supervisor by a motion from Hincker, seconded by Schomerus. On a roll call vote, Stoner, Oelke, Hincker, Schomerus and Crownover voted yea, none voted nay, motion carried 5-0.

          Schomerus made a motion to appoint Schomerus, Zahn and Kastens to the Safety Committee, Dan Crownover and Lynn Schomerus as Zoning Administrator’s, Dan Crownover and Lynn Schomerus as Building Inspectors, Corinne Zahn as Flood Plain Manager and Cross Connection Control Officer, seconded by Stoner. On a roll call vote, Stoner, Oelke, Hincker, Schomerus and Crownover voted yea, none voted nay, motion carried 5-0.

          Countryside Bank in Unadilla was designated as the Official Depository Bank for Village funds and Doug Ebert as the Village Wastewater Operator on a motion by Oelke, seconded by Hincker. On a roll call vote, Stoner, Oelke, Hincker, Schomerus and Crownover voted yea, none voted nay, motion carried 5-0.

          Stoner made a motion to appoint Brandt, Horan, Hallstrom and Stilmock as the Village Attorney’s Office, seconded by Hincker. On a roll call vote, Stoner, Oelke, Hincker, Schomerus and Crownover voted yea, none voted nay, motion carried 5-0.             


The list of delinquent water & sewer patrons was reviewed:  #017, 022, 063, 104, 141, 176, &189.


In Correspondence:  All Fund Drive donations are continuing to come in.    Tobacco license renewals will be sent out at the end of December.

The meeting adjourned at 9:15p.m. by a motion from Schomerus, seconded by Stoner.

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NEXT MEETING:  1-08-20 at the Village Library    



                                                                             Village Clerk-Treasurer


A complete and current copy of these proceedings is available for

inspection at the Village Office during normal business hours.