October 21, 2020
The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Unadilla, Nebraska, was held on Wednesday, October 21, 2020, at 7:30 p.m. at the Unadilla Community Center. The original date for the meeting was October 14th. Due to the clerk being exposed to COVID 19 the meeting was postponed another week. Notice of said meeting and proposed agenda of then known subjects was given by posting in the three following places within the Village: Countryside Bank, Post Office, and Community Center Notice Board; and by serving a copy of said notice to each member of the Board of Trustees more than 5 days prior to said meeting. Trustees present: Dan Crownover, Dale Stoner, Janet Oelke, and Lynn Schomerus. Absent: Scott Hincker. Clerk was at the meeting via cell phone. Visitors: none
Chairman Crownover called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. He reminded everyone of the location of the Open Meetings Act Poster.
Schomerus made a motion to approve the September 2020 minutes and Budget Hearing minutes; Oelke seconded. Roll call vote: Stoner, Oelke, Schomerus and Crownover voted yea. None voted nay. Motioned carried 4-0. Stoner made a motion to approve the September 2020 treasurer’s report, bank statements, reconciliation, and receipts; Schomerus seconded. Roll call vote: Stoner, Oelke, Schomerus and Crownover voted yea. The following voted Nay: none. Motion carried 4-0.
The following claims were reviewed:
Zahn $1,525.69, Wilhelm $260.52, Rohlfs $515.08, Kastens $1,050.93, Countryside Bank $42,387.50, Crownover $138.52 & $443.28 with Crownover abstaining, Schomerus $115.44, Stoner $115.44, Oelke $115.44 & $99.04 with Oelke abstaining, Hincker $115.44, Countryside Agency $319.00, Municipal Supply $949.19, RWD#3 $2,672.50, Zito Media $93.14, Gatehouse Media $12.05, Midwest Lab $35.10, One Call Concepts $27.66, Papillion Sanitation $2,089.50, IRS $996.86, NE Dept. of Rev. $438.59, Dan’s Tire $79.95, OPPD $33.00, NC Utilities $1,432.21, Kastens Electric $332.84, DHHS $15.00 & $15.00, Lovell Excavating $600.00 & $600.00, Westrum Leak Detection $947.50, JEO $4,500.00, B&B Pump $42.79, Overhead Door $732.24, ABC Termite $120.00, Quill $110.97, Windstream $73.60, NE Dept. of Revenue $1,013.00, General Fire & Safety $130.00, NE Dept. of Revenue $
Oelke made a motion to pay claims seconded by Stoner. Roll call vote: Stoner, Oelke, Schomerus and Crownover voted yea. The following voted nay: none. Motion carried 4-0.
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The amount of the Keno Check was $3,761.26
Water consumed: 969,000; water paid for: 649,000; balance for month:
-320,000; YTD: -2,367,000. Westrum Leak Detection did not find any leaks here in town when they were here. The water running out of the street on 5th & F they believe to be ground water. The Community Center passed its annual backflow inspection by Bohl Plumbing.
Schoolhouse items: The semi-annual fire alarm inspection was done by General Fire & Safety. They suggested to replace the 2 bells on the outside of the building in case of fire. They sent an estimate $541.50 for the bells and labor. Schomerus made a motion to replace them using Keno funds, seconded by Stoner. On a roll call vote, Stoner, Oelke, Schomerus and Crownover voted yea. None voted nay. Motion carried 4-0.
Quonset property: Crownover to find out what was decided on the OPPD meeting that was held on Oct. 15th.
Street Project: Discussion was held on the proposed street project. Resolution R100-20 was introduced authorizing the Village Chairperson and Village Clerk to Execute Documents required to receive United States Department of Agriculture Rural Development Financial Assistance. Stoner made a motion to pass Resolution R100-20, seconded by Oelke. On a roll call vote, Stoner, Oelke and Schomerus voted yea. Crownover abstaining. None voted nay. Motion carried 3-0.
Clerk will begin to send in the 5 years of financials requested. The remaining paperwork will be sent in as it gets completed.
Discussion was held on replacing the 2 blocks where the waterline ran on H Street and 6th Street before replacing the street. Crownover will get an estimate from Lovell’s on that replacement. Possibly use Keno funds for the replacement. Crownover to check with Evan Wickersham from JEO to see if we can get the cost in under the USDA loan. Clerk will check with State Auditors Office as to the use of Bond funds for the street project.
Public Comments: Brogan and Lexi representing Nebraska Strong Recovery Project will attend the November meeting instead.
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Schomerus made a motion to Approve the Audit Waiver for the year 2019-2020 seconded by Oelke. On a roll call vote, Stoner, Oelke, Schomerus and Crownover voted yea. None voted nay. Motion carried 4-0.
Discussion was held on applying for a matching grant from the NRD to put a tube in down at the park where the ditch runs water and to hook onto the existing one. The tube would then be covered with rock for additional parking. Stoner and Schomerus will do some checking to see if rock is going to work and report at the next meeting.
Discussion was held on hiring a maintenance person part time. Crownover had discussed the position with Kastens, and the clerk will go ahead and post the position in the next two weeks of the Syracuse paper.
The list of delinquent water and sewer patrons was reviewed: Account #017, 063, 074, 088, 093, 104, 108, 141 and 176.
In correspondence: The Planning Commission will meet on Thursday October 22nd. The Lincoln Food Bank’s last distribution was October 7th with 103 vehichles through.
The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m.
Village Clerk-Treasurer
A complete and current copy of these proceedings is available for
inspection at the Village Office during normal business hours.