January 13, 2021


The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Unadilla, Nebraska, was held on Wednesday, January 13, 2021, 7:30 p.m. at the Unadilla Community Center. Notice of said meeting and proposed agenda of then known subjects was given by posting in the three following places within the Village: Countryside Bank, Post Office, and Community Center Notice Board; and by serving a copy of said notice to each member of the Board of Trustees more than 5 days prior to said meeting. Trustees present Dan Crownover, Dale Stoner, Scott Hincker, Janet Oelke, and Clark Stubbendeck. Visitors: Fredrick  Rumery.

Chairman Crownover called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. He reminded everyone of the location of the Open Meetings Act Poster. 

Oelke made a motion to approve the December 2020 minutes, seconded by Hincker. On a roll call vote, Stoner, Oelke, Hincker, Stubbendeck and Crownover voted yea, none voted nay, motion carried 5-0.

Stoner made a motion to approve the December 2020 treasurer’s report, bank statements, reconciliation, and receipts, seconded by Stubbendeck. On a roll call vote, Stoner, Oelke, Hincker, Stubbendeck and Crownover voted yea, none voted nay, motion carried 5-0.

The following claims were reviewed:

Zahn $1,620.88, Wilhelm $201.42, Rohlfs $366.40, Kastens $457.13, Dowling $1,875.14, Christiansen Tree Service $595.00, Nationwide Ins. $100.00, Crownover $138.52, Stubbendeck $115.44, Stoner $115.44, Oelke $115.44, B&B Pump $45.40, Nitty Gritty $588.91, RWD#3 $1,730.00, Zito Media $127.70, Otoe County Clerk $100.00, Westover Rock $1,628.29, DHHS $15.00, Papillion Sanitation $2,053.50, IRS $1,027.99, NE Dept. of Revenue $453.73, NE Dept. of Revenue $1,270.00, OPPD $33.00, NC Utilities $1,794.95, One Call Concepts $48.48, Syracuse Motor Supply $99.08, Dan’s Tire $20.00, Syracuse Lumber $181.37, Windstream $73.67, Quill $182.96, Kastens Electric $283.77, Syracuse Do It Best $296.83, USPS $110.00.

 Hincker made a motion to approve the claims, seconded by Stoner.  On a roll call vote, Stoner, Oelke, Hincker, Stubbendeck and Crownover voted yea, none voted nay, motion carried 5-0.  Each board member abstaining from their own claim.






                                                                                       January 13, 2021 page 2     

          The Keno check was in the amount of $3,640.00.

          Water consumed: 592,000; water paid for: 615,000; balance for month:

 +23,000; YTD: +23,000.  The water test at the Community Center came back good.  The clerk gave a report of the survey of what other towns are charging for late fee’s on utility bills.  It was decided to keep our fee at 10% of the total due.  We will resume charging the late fee March 1st.  

          Schoolhouse items: Discussion of the furnaces for the gym, kitchen and kids’ room was held. Kastens Electric was called to look at them and reported to Crownover that only one of the four worked and the ducts were plugged and needed cleaned.  Clerk will call Hemje Plumbing for an estimate on a new furnace that will heat the kitchen and kid’s room.  Midlands Duct Cleaning will be called to give an estimate on duct cleaning. Clerk reported the garbage disposal is not working in the kitchen.  Clerk will have Hemje look at it.

          Quonset Property:  Crownover had nothing to report.

          Street Project:  Clerk reported that the USDA will send out Environmental Studies and as soon as they get back the project can move forward. 

          Public Comments:  None



          Hincker made a motion to renew The Bar and Nitty Gritty Gas & Thrift liquor License, seconded by Stubbendeck.  On a roll call vote, Stoner, Oelke, Hincker, Stubbendeck and Crownover voted yea, none voted nay, motion carried 5-0.

          Oelke made a motion to approve the clerk’s bond, seconded by Stoner.  On a roll call vote, Stoner, Oelke, Hincker, Schomerus and Crownover voted yea, none voted nay, motion carried 5-0.                                    

          Review Delinquent water & sewer patrons:  Account #063, 074,104,108, 115, 137, 141 and 150.                                                                                    

          In Correspondence:  Mileage rate for 2021 is .56 cents/mile.  Groundhogs day is cancelled this year due to COVID. Tobacco licenses were renewed for The Bar and Nitty Gritty for 2021.  Total All Fund Drive was $11,325.00.        

          The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.

          NEXT MEETING:  2-10-21 at the Village Community Center


                                                                             Village Clerk-Treasurer


A complete and current copy of these proceedings is available for

inspection at the Village Office during normal business hours.