A regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the
Chairman Crownover called the meeting to order at
Oelke made a motion to approve the February 2009 minutes, Stoner seconded, motion carried 5-0.
Stoner made a motion to approve the February 2009 treasurer’s report, Schomerus seconded, motion carried 5-0.
Steve Vodicka, Fire Chief, appeared before the Board to discuss the new Local Emergency Operations Plan. Vodicka handed out a copy of the section pertaining to Unadilla specifically, and especially RESPONSIBILITY FOR DISASTER OPERATIONS: The responsibility for the welfare of the residents during a disaster rests with the
Vodicka also stated that all members of the Board need to be NIMS certified except Wassenberg, and Clerk Wilhelm. The training can be taken online and he will send us the website.
Clerk reported she had received a letter from Gilmore & Assoc. questioning the boundaries between the buildings in the Street Renovation Project. Clerk stated she had made copies of the letter and attachments and sent one set to Attorney Horan and one to Ameritas. Oelke made a motion to purchase benches and trash receptacles for
The amount of the Keno check was $1332.24.
Water consumed was 642,000 gallons as opposed to 662,000 gallons paid for, leaving an overage of +202,000 gallons year-to-date.
Oelke made a motion to remove “Installing speed bumps” from tabled items; Schomerus seconded, and motion carried 5-0. The DeGolyer traveling baseball team remains tabled at this time.
There were no public comments.
The plat for the Dwight Roberts subdivision was received from
Stoner made a motion to pay $2025.00 in interest for the 2003 bonds, Wassenberg seconded, and motion carried 5-0.
The following claims for March were reviewed for payment:
Check # Payee Description Amount
3914 Nemaha Valley Refuse trash 2168.50
3915 Barb Wilhelm wages/133.5 hours 1470.55
3916 Keith Block wages/58 381.70
3917 Dan Crownover wages 69.26
3918 Dale Stoner wages 46.17
3919 Arliss Wassenberg wages 46.17
3920 Janet Oelke wages 46.17
3921 Lynn Schomerus wages 46.17
AWD IRS 941 tax 715.21
3923 NC Utilities village accounts 1120.07
3924 Windstream office phone 53.96
AWD OPPD water 14.58
3925 RWD#3 water purchased 1630.30
3922 G Lewis per ser park 40.00
3926 Kastens Electric sewer 87.13
3927 Dan’s Tire fix tractor/street 505.50
3928 C Kimbell str/water (Feb & Mar) 200.00
3929 T Crownover snow rem 429.00
3930 Gr Pl 1-Call hot line 7.07
3931 Added Touch Block 33.50
3932 Westover salted sand 1048.23
3933 TR Mart water/snow rem 105.36
3934 NE PHE Lab water test 16.00
3935 Heartland Class adv 17.93
3936 Stutheit Imp mower 2400.00
Total 13,062.64
Oelke made a motion to pay March claims, Schomerus seconded, motion carried 5-0.
Delinquent water & sewer patrons were reviewed. Shut-offs will be sent to: Dale Bailey and Connie Coffey/Jim Bartling.
Correspondence included a report on the Community Foundation meeting at which Ernie Weyeneth representing the Kimmel Charitable Foundation attended. He implied that money raised to build a roof over the picnic table slab would be matched by his organization 2 for 1. Quotes from Robert Schutz/TruGreen were examined. Board decided to have them spray the park and to make sure that price included spraying underneath the bleachers. Spraying the sewer was put on hold until Clerk can speak to Jeff Vogt. The alley between McWilliams and Fields was also discussed. Crownover said he would grade it and rock it as a temporary fix. Crownover will also work on the alley behind the businesses.
The meeting adjourned at
Barbara J. Wilhelm, Village Clerk-Treasurer
A complete and current copy of these proceedings is available for inspection at the Village Office during normal business hours.