April 13, 2011


The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Unadilla, Nebraska, was held on Wednesday, April 13, 2011, 7:30 p.m. at the Unadilla Community Library. Notice of said meeting and proposed agenda of then known subjects was given by posting in the three following places within the Village: Countryside Bank, Post Office, and Village Office, and by publishing in the Syracuse Journal-Democrat on April 7, 2011; and by serving a copy of said notice to each member of the Board of Trustees more than 5 days prior to said meeting. Trustees present: Dan Crownover, Dale Stoner, Janet Oelke, and Lynn Schomerus. Absent: Arliss Wassenberg. Visitors: Dawn Prelle, Janet Harder.

Chairman Crownover called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. He reminded everyone of the location of the Open Meetings Act Poster.

Schomerus made a motion to approve the March 2011 minutes; Oelke seconded, motion carried 4-0. Absent and not voting: Wassenberg.

Stoner made a motion to approve the March 2011 treasurer’s report, Schomerus seconded, motion carried 4-0. Absent and not voting: Wassenberg.




            The amount of the Keno check was $1427.09.

            Water consumed: 523,000; water paid for: 551,000; balance for month: +28,000; YTD:


            There were no public comments.

            The wiring/generator project has been tabled until further notice.

            Installation of speed bumps & signs was scheduled for April 29th.

            Schoolhouse items: Dawn Prelle appeared to request that the Community Center kitchen be inspected so that it could be certified as a “Commercial Kitchen”. Her catering company, Moma Prelle’s Catering, would bring it up to code at their expense. However, they would not have exclusive rights to the kitchen. It would still be included in the gym rental fee and the Prelle’s would have to schedule use around our rental schedule. Prelle’s would pay $30. for each time they use the kitchen. The Board approved Prelle’s proposal. They will be allowed to bring in extra equipment and will be able to lock supplies in the storage room. Clerk will get a pass key and kitchen key to Prelle’s.

            Janet Harder also appeared and provided information on TechnaBuild of Southeast Nebraska. Its goal “seeks to build youth interest and access to activities and education in the fields of Robotics, Engineering, Science, and Technology”. Harder requested use of the old Science Room in return for memberships the group would buy. The Board decided to table this subject until a later date.

            It was decided to have a meeting May 18th, for volunteers and organizers of the Unadilla Day barbeque. It will be at 7:30 pm in the Library. Clerk will post it on the website and include it in the Unadilla News.

            Clerk reported she had sent a letter to Ron Stocking about the removal of his burned-out trailer and it had since been removed. The trailer on the Dan Anderson property has also been removed.

            Clerk also reported she had issued a building permit for Phil Wilnerd to build a house 1 mile north on town on 20th Road.



            Schomerus made a motion to approve and certify Tyler Crownover as a firefighter for UVFD; Oelke seconded, motion carried 4-0. Absent and not voting: Wassenberg.


 The following claims were reviewed for April payment:


4568   Depository Trust                    int on ’03 bonds                     1325.00

4569   CS Bank                                int on ’09 bonds                     6883.75

4570   Barb Wilhelm                         wages /114.5                         1395.46

4571   Amber Kempkes                   wages /52                                 505.06                     

4572   Dwight Kastens                     wages/125                            1326.28

4573   Around the Clock Security  new cards                                  300.00

4574   Sheena Kastens                   per serv/9                                   90.00

4575   Dan Crownover                     wages                                         70.76

4576   Dale Stoner                           wages                                        47.17

4577   Arliss Wassenberg               wages                                         47.17

4578   Janet Oelke                           wages                                         47.17

4579   Lynn Schomerus                   wages                                         47.17

4580   Nemaha Valley Refuse                                                         2162.60

AWD   IRS                                          941 tax                                     729.30

4581   N.C. Utilities                                                                          2476.75

4582   Windstream                           office phone                               55.78

AWD   OPPD                                     water                                           15.14

4583   RWD#3                                  water                                     1374.45

AWD   NE Dept of Rev                     sales tax                                 276.49

AWD   NE Dept of Rev                     SWH                                         195.00

4584   Zito Media                              cable/his                                    79.65

4885   Syr Iron Works                       park                                            70.32

4886   Stutheit Imp                            park                                            74.22

4887   Dave Heuton                          computers                              550.00

4888   NE PHE Lab                          water test                                   16.00

4889   Bauers Trucking                    park                                        2507.94

4890   Farmers Coop                       sewer test                                  15.60

4891   Office Depot                          supplies                                    219.90

4892   VOID                                                                                       -----------

4893   M. Hanke                                comp instruction                    200.00

4894   D Baker                                  water assistance                   173.95

4895   Gatehouse Media                 adv                                            16.57

4896   Pester Grading                      park                                          150.00

4897   EAS                                        sewer test                                  62.00

4898   Pete’s Plumbing                    water leak @park                  395.00

4899   NE Dept of Rev                     keno tax                                  1114.00

4600   ?                                              park shelter/ss tables           1452.00


TOTAL                                                                                          26,467.65


Stoner made a motion to pay claims, Oelke seconded, and motion carried 4-0. Absent and not voting: Wassenberg.

The list of delinquent water and sewer patrons was reviewed. Shut-offs will be sent to: Ron Isaacs, Christina Long, Duffy Schutz, and Shon Ryan.

            In correspondence, Clerk reported the Community Center has been certified as a Red Cross Shelter; “No Dog” signs will be put around the fence at the Community Center; request was made to replace the stop signs at 10 & I and 9 & I; Crownover signed the DMR’s for the sewer; and Clerk reported the water meter for Keith Liesemeyer’s rental had been moved from the pit into the house.



The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.




                                                                                                Village Clerk-Treasurer


A complete and current copy of these proceedings is available for inspection at the Village Office during normal business hours.