September 09, 2015
A special hearing of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Unadilla, NE, was held at the Village Office on September 09, 2015, at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of hearing support, opposition, criticism, suggestions, or observations of taxpayers relating to the proposed budget figures for 2015-2016. The following trustees were present: Dan Crownover, Dale Stoner, Janet Oelke, Sharon Baker and Scott Hincker. No visitors appeared. Crownover opened the hearing at 7:45.
The proposed budget figures prepared by Gary J. Pavel, CPA, were reviewed by the trustees. The Board is allowed a 2.5% increase and Trustee Hinker made a motion that the Board approves an additional 1% increase. Said motion was seconded by Oelke, and on a roll call vote, all trustees voted: yea.
Trustee Baker then made a motion that the budget document be accepted as presented. Motion was seconded by Stoner and motion carried 5-0. There were no public comments.
Trustee Baker made a motion to close the Budget Hearing at 8:20. Hincker seconded and motion carried 5-0.
Trustee Stoner made a motion to pay the claim for budget preparation in the amount of $1000.00. Hincker seconded and motion carried 5-0.
Hearing was opened at 8:25 to set final tax request.
Chairman Crownover then introduced Ordinance No. 261-15 entitled: Annual Appropriation Ordinance. Stoner moved that the Statutory Rule requiring reading on three different days be suspended. Seconded by Baker, the motion carried 5-0. Stoner moved for final passage. Baker seconded, and on a roll call vote all trustees voted: yea. Chairman Crownover declared Ordinance No. 261-15 adopted and signed same in presence of the Village Board and the Clerk, who attested same. A copy of said ordinance is attached to these minutes.
Trustee Baker made a motion to close the hearing. Hincker seconded and motion carried 5-0. There were no public comments.
The Clerk will send the budget and related documents to the State Auditor and to the Otoe County Clerk.
The hearing adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
Village Clerk