July 13, 2016
The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Unadilla, Nebraska, was held on Wednesday, July 13, 2016, 7:30 p.m. at the Unadilla Community Library. Notice of said meeting and proposed agenda of then known subjects was given by posting in the three following places within the Village: Countryside Bank, Post Office, and Community Center Notice Board; and by serving a copy of said notice to each member of the Board of Trustees more than 5 days prior to said meeting. Trustees present: Dan Crownover, Janet Oelke, Scott Hincker, Dale Stoner and Lynn Schomerus. Visitors: none.
Chairman Crownover called the meeting to order at
Stoner made a motion to approve the June 2016 minutes, Hincker seconded, and motion carried 4-0.
Oelke made a motion to approve the June 2016 treasurer’s report, Schomerus seconded, motion carried 4-0.
Oelke indicated the spelling of Baker was incorrect on the minutes for June and a correction was made.
The amount of the Keno check was $2,820.04.
Water consumed: 983,000; water paid for: 585,000; balance for month:
-398,000; YTD: -1,047,000. Clerk stated that a bill to Western Engineering was sent for 314,000 gallons used on the highway.
Schoolhouse items: Clerk reported the Community Center roof is completed by Goes Construction from the hail damage. Damme to start on the gym in the next week.
BBQ Report was given and suggestions were made for next year.
There were no public comments. .
The following are current Fire & Rescue personnel:
Cody Sims Tom Block
Jeff Huber Edith Pickerill
Kathryn Romine Irene Rodaway
Bill Davis Donna Speth
Mark Moerer Jon Reed
Jillien Sheeler Amy Vodicka
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Gerry Davis Linda Liesemeyer
Don Flessner Betty Vodicka
Gordon Hopp Ron Vodicka
Ed Reed Steve Vodicka
Wendy Werner Jon Vodicka
Ben Leseberg Tyler Crownover
Clayton Lewis Chuck Porter
Lisa Schmitt
Schomerus made a motion to certify Fire & Rescue personnel for insurance purposes, Hincker seconded, and motion carried 4-0.
Hincker made a motion to approve the Annual Catering License for The Bar, Schomerus seconded, and motion carried 4-0.
The following claims were reviewed for July payment:
6294 Barb Wilhelm wages/13.5 143.25
6295 Dwight Kastens wages/91.5 1,083.01
6296 Corinne Zahn wages/ 94 1,195.54
6292 Arlin Rohlfs wages/ 61 mile 615.80
6293 Rita Compton wages/13.5 124.67
6319 Dan Crownover wages 92.35
6320 Dale Stoner wages 69.26
6321 Janet Oelke wages 69.26
6290 Sharon Baker wages 69.26
6322 Scott Hincker wages 69.26
6316 Seneca Sanitation 2,114.80
6298 N.C. Utilities 1,561.22
6317 Windstream office phone 69.83
6318 Recyl Ent recycling 200.00
6299 RWD#3 water 2,363.45
AWD NE Dept of Rev sales tax 290.60
AWD NE Dept of Rev SWH 315.00
6297 Zito hsi 124.91
6306 DHHS water 15.00
6300 B&B Pump fuel 136.35
6287 Lil Tuggers BBQ 474.00
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6307 Quill sup/shop 176.95
6303 The Bar BBQ 564.57
6310 Munci Serv & Sup sewer pump 5,670.01
6302 Orchard Hill BBQ 768.00
6305 Do It Best park/sch 32.27
6308 Supplywoks hard roll towel 68.45
6312 One Call dig hotline 7.95
6301 Westover rock/riv rock 1,225.58
6315 Kastens Ele Sew/Park/air con 761.11
6313 Gatehouse Med ad BBQ 30.60
6324 NE Dept Rev Lottery tax 1,478.00
6291 Jeff Vogt sew main 410.72
6314 MK Meats BBQ 2,256.00
6311 Midwest Coop spray 54.91
6286 Goes Const Shingle Comm Ctr 25,500.00
6304 NE DOL Boiler Insp 43.00
6309 Beatrice Conc rep str/water brk 317.25
6288 Buresh Golf BBQ 221.55
6323 Lynn Schomerus wage 69.26
TOTAL $51,678.78
Stoner made a motion to pay claims, Schomerus seconded, and motion carried 4-0.
The list of delinquent water and sewer patrons was reviewed. Cody Boone, Kimbell Construction, Dana Boyce, David Lewis, and Nikki Ebeler,
In correspondence: The boiler inspection was completed in June. A building permit was issued to Ed Goff for the property at 635 G St. Fred Baumert from DHHS came to review the water reports and facilities. The new sewer pump is here and is ready to be installed.
The meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m.
Village Clerk-Treasurer
A complete and current copy of these proceedings is available for
Inspection at the Village Office during normal business hours.