August 09, 2017


The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Unadilla, Nebraska, was held on Wednesday, August 09, 2017, 7:30 p.m. at the Unadilla Community Library. Notice of said meeting and proposed agenda of then known subjects was given by posting in the three following places within the Village: Countryside Bank, Post Office, and Community Center Notice Board; and by serving a copy of said notice to each member of the Board of Trustees more than 5 days prior to said meeting. Trustees present: Dan Crownover, Janet Oelke, Lynn Schomerus, Scott Hincker and Dale Stoner.  Visitors:  Glen Isaacs

 Chairman Crownover called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. He reminded everyone of the location of the Open Meetings Act Poster.

Schomerus made a motion to approve the July 2017 minutes, Stoner seconded motion carried 4-0.

Stoner made a motion to approve the July 2017 treasurer’s report, Hincker seconded, motion carried 4-0.


          The amount of the Keno check was $3,940.86

          Water consumed: 757,000; water paid for: 573,000; balance for month:

 -184,000; YTD: -1,533,000.          The water tower was overflowed and hydrants flushed for general maintenance.  There was a water main break in Tracy Circle and was repaired by Lovell Excavating.  Clerk took several water samples up to the lab for testing and is working with RWD#3 for continued maintenance.

          Schoolhouse items: Clerk contacted Hemje Plumbing, Sporhase Plumbing and S.E. Plumbing for estimates on air conditioner units for the office and preschool room.  Hincker made a motion to have Hemje Plumbing install the unites, seconded by Schomerus, motion carried 4-0.  Funds will be taken out of the Keno fund.  Alarmlink was contacted to install a smoke detector in the room of the preschool, the cost will be $230.00.  Burr & Associates worked on the Village Quickbooks program for better accounting records.

          Property of Midwest Coop – Clerk reported the attorney’s for Midwest Coop and the Village are finalizing the paper work of the purchase of property from Midwest to the Village.

          Public Comments:  Glen Isaacs addressed the Board as to his time frame on the cleanup of the property at 572 H St.


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The Board discussed if there are any new projects for the year for our budget workshop.  Maintenance on the water tower will be added to this year’s budget.                                                                    

In accordance with state law, salaries for Village employees are as follows: Chairman of the Board $100/meeting; Trustee $75/meeting; Clerk/Treasurer $16.50/hour; Deputy Clerk $15.50/hour; Maintenance $14.00/hour, General Hire $10/hour, Sewer maintenance $17/hour with mileage of .53.5/mile. General Office Hire $11.50/hr.

Hincker made a motion to approve and pay the Insurance Premium Notice to Travelers Insurance Company for the fire and rescue workers comp and liability and Countryside Agency Premium Notice for the employee workers comp, seconded by Schomerus, motion carried 4-0.

  Water and sewer rates for 2018 were discussed and tabled.  Clerk to see what other villages are charging. 

The following claims were reviewed for August payment:

7034           Dwight Kastens           wages/110                                 1,262.19

7035           Arlin Rohlfs                            wages/29                           281.20

7036           Barb Wilhelm                wages/24.5                                   315.70

7037          Rita Compton               wages/26.25                      278.78

7038          Corinne Zahn               wages/73.75                       998.79         

7039          Lovell Excavating        water leak repair             1,250.00

7040          DHHS                           water test                             66.00                       

7041           B&B Pump                             diesel                                    46.18

7042          Zito Media                    isi                                         131.06              

7043          Syr Do It Best               sprinklers, misc                  115.05

7044           Kastens Elec                air cond, sewer, water     1,515.43

AWD          IRS                               941 tax                               852.40                                  IRS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 941 tax                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  686.23

7045           Recyc Ent.                    recycling                             200.00

7046          RWD#3                          water                                         1,877.55    

7047          Munic Supply               water          leak repair                 386.24                   

7048           Quill                               ink, paper                              75.47

AWD           NE Dept of Rev           Sales tax                           294.46

7049           League of NE Munc    dues                                   474.00                   

7050          NC Utilities                    util                                    2,327.08

7051           Seneca Sanitat            garbage                          2,180.30

7052          Seneca Sanitat            roll off                                  240.00

7053          Midwest Coop              spray                                               48.24

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7054          Dan Crownover           wage                                                    92.35

7055           Dale Stoner                 wage                                          69.26

7056           Janet Oelke                  wage                                                    69.26

7057           Lynn Schomerus                   wage                                                   69.26                

7058          Windstream                  phone                                       67.92

7059           Burr & Assoc                quickbooks                                       100.00



Schomerus made a motion to approve the claims, Oelke seconded, and motion carried 4-0.

The list of delinquent water and sewer patrons was reviewed: Account #17, 022, 037, 075, 090, 108, and 128. 

In correspondence, The Village received a donation from Bill Farmer for the use of the park shelter.  The International tractor was taken to Keim Farm Equipment for the repair to the hydraulic line. 

The meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m.


                                                                             Village Clerk-Treasurer


A complete and current copy of these proceedings is available for

inspection at the Village Office during normal business hours.