REGULAR BOARD MEETING & Statutory Reorganization
December 13, 2017
The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Unadilla, Nebraska, was held on Wednesday, December 13, 2017, 7:30 p.m. at the Unadilla Community Library. Notice of said meeting and proposed agenda of then known subjects was given by posting in the three following places within the Village: Countryside Bank, Post Office, and Community Center Notice Board; and by serving a copy of said notice to each member of the Board of Trustees more than 5 days prior to said meeting. Trustees present: Dan Crownover, Dale Stoner, Scott Hincker, Janet Oelke, and Lynn Schomerus. Visitors: none
Chairman Crownover called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. He reminded everyone of the location of the Open Meetings Act Poster.
Stoner made a motion to approve the November 2017 minutes; Oelke seconded, and motion carried 4-0.
Schomerus made a motion to approve the November 2017 treasurer’s report; Hincker seconded, motion carried 4-0.
The Keno check was in the amount of $2,326.77
Water consumed: (637,000); water paid for: (531,000); balance for month:
(-106,000); YTD: (-1,804,000). Discussion was held on the recent water tests. The Community Center tested 1 for E. coli which put the village into a water boil notice. The Village has been working closely with DHHS and RWD#3 on the water. The field representative came down and thought it was the school not using enough water to flush the lines like they should be with a bigger water line coming into the building. Samples from other parts of the village continue to come back good. The Cease Water Boil signs were put up the 20th. Bohl Plumbing was contacted to shut the water off to the back classrooms and men’s locker room. The Village will continue to take samples and monitor the water. The schoolhouse will be taken off our sample site plan.
Schoolhouse items: Clerk reported the heating units were working well in the classrooms and the utility bill was lower this last month. The new street light out front of the gym is lighting up the parking lot and will be a lot safer for the public at night.
Coop Property: Attorney Jerry Stilmock is waiting to see the corrected copy of the Deed. Chairman Crownover will deliver that to him. Tom Compton has offered to manage renting out the Quonset for campers, boats, etc. in exchange for parking his camper at no charge.
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Public Comments: None
Oelke made a motion to appoint Evan Wickersham with JEO as our Street Superintendent for 2018, Hincker seconded, motion carried 4-0.
Hincker made a motion to appoint Evan Wickersham with JEO as our Village Engineer for 2018, Schomerus seconded, motion carried 4-0.
The One and Six Year Plan was discussed. Continued maintenance will be for the year 2018.
Salaries were discussed for 2018. Schomerus made a motion to raise Zahn to $17.50 per hour, office help to $12.50 per hour, general maintenance to $11.00 per hour, wastewater operator to $18.00 per hour and mileage, Kastens to $15.00 per hour, and keep the Deputy Clerk at $15.50 per hour. Stoner seconded, motion carried 4-0.
The following salaries will be used beginning 1-01-2018:
Deputy Clerk……………………….$15.50/hr
Legal Counsel………………………as billed
CPA………………………………… billed
Water/Wastewater………………….$18.00/hr plus mileage
Extra Labor…………………………..$11.00/hr
Office help……………………………$12.50/hr
The following claims were reviewed for December payment:
7164 Dwight Kastens wages/81 hrs 887.25
7165 Arlin Rohlfs wage/35 hrs 339.38
7166 Rita Compton wage/4.5 hrs 47.79
7167 Barb Wilhelm wage/16 hrs 194.02
7168 Corinne Zahn wage/88.25 hrs/mil 1,296.52
7169 DHHS water samples 100.00
7170 B&B Pump diesel 55.59
7171 Zito Media isi 138.24
7172 RWD#3 water 1,619.55
AWD NE Dept of Rev sales tax 329.47
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7173 NC Utilities utilities 1,524.44
7174 OPPD util/water pit 39.07
7175 Nitty Gritty fuel 522.61
7176 Westover salted sand 993.23
7177 Syr Do It Best batter, bleach, buck 48.06
7178 Dan’s Tire tires/pickup 780.00
7179 DHHS license renew 115.00
7180 Rural Water Assn. membership 125.00
7181 Quill ink, envelopes, stamp 134.76
7182 Mattice Lock 6 keyed same locks 70.20
7183 Kastens Electric water, air comp, Freon 819.39
7184 Midwest Lab sewer samples 151.00
7185 Countryside Agen worker comp bal 82.00
7186 Seneca Sanitation garbage 2,162.40
7187 Cash petty cash 120.00
7188 Windstream phone 69.17
7189 Gen Fire & Safe fire exting, inspec. 221.00
7190 Westover replace dam. Ck/Nov
7191 Dan Crownover wage 92.35
7192 Dale Stoner wage 69.26
7193 Janet Oelke wage 69.26
7194 Lynn Schomerus wage 69.26
AWD IRS 941 753.11
TOTAL $14,038.38
Schomerus made a motion to approve the claims, Stoner seconded, motion carried 4-0.
The list of delinquent water & sewer patrons was reviewed: #022, 088, 128, 137, 140, &176
In Correspondence: Fire Extinguishers were inspected by General Fire & Safety and the six-year maintenance on them completed. Clerks school is March 20-24th this year in Grand Island. All Fund Drive donations are continuing to come in. To date we have received $11,175.00. The Unadilla BBQ will be held June 23rd this year. The S.E. Area Band will not be contacted to play this year to cut costs and the clerk will book 2 golf carts to transport people during the BBQ.
The meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.
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NEXT MEETING: 1-10-18 at the Village Library
Village Clerk-Treasurer
A complete and current copy of these proceedings is available for
inspection at the Village Office during normal business hours.