REGULAR BOARD MEETING & Statutory Reorganization
January 10, 2018
The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Unadilla, Nebraska, was held on Wednesday, January 10, 2018, 7:30 p.m. at the Unadilla Community Library. Notice of said meeting and proposed agenda of then known subjects was given by posting in the three following places within the Village: Countryside Bank, Post Office, and Community Center Notice Board; and by serving a copy of said notice to each member of the Board of Trustees more than 5 days prior to said meeting. Trustees present: Dale Stoner, Scott Hincker, Lynn Schomerus and Janet Oelke. Absent and not voting, Dan Crownover.
Acting Chairman Stoner called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. He reminded everyone of the location of the Open Meetings Act Poster. Schomerus made a motion to nominate Crownover as Chairman of the Board for 2018; Oelke seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Schomerus made a motion to approve the December 2017 minutes; Hincker seconded, and motion carried 3-0.
Hincker made a motion to approve the December 2017 treasurer’s report; Schomerus seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Hincker made a motion to appoint the following committees for 2018:
Streets & Alleys………….Scott Hincker
Sewer & Keno……………Dan Crownover
Environment & Safety…..Lynn Schomerus
Water & Lights…………..Janet Oelke
Park………………………Dale Stoner
Schomerus seconded, motion carried 3-0. Corinne Zahn was reappointed Clerk-Treasurer, and Dwight Kastens was reappointed Utility & Maintenance Supervisor and Barb Wilhelm as Deputy Clerk, on a motion by Oelke, seconded by Hincker, motion carried 3-0.
Schomerus made a motion to appoint Zahn, Kastens, and Schomerus to the Safety Committee; appoint Zahn as Zoning Administrator and Crownover as Building Inspector; appoint Zahn as Flood Plain Administrator and Cross Connection Control Officer, Oelke seconded, motion carried 3-0.
Countryside Bank in Unadilla was designated as the official depository for village funds on a motion by Hincker, seconded by Schomerus, motion carried 3-0.
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Oelke made a motion to retain Ebert as wastewater operator, Hincker seconded, motion carried 3-0.
The Keno check was in the amount of $3,611.14
Water consumed: 858,000; water paid for: 504,000; balance for month:
-354,000; YTD: -354,000. Continued water testing at the Community Center will be done. Bohl Plumbing was contacted to recheck the back-flow device, which was found to be in proper working order. Bohl Plumbing will work with the Village on disconnecting some of the water lines to the classrooms and locker room. Testing at 824 I Street came back good again and will be listed as a sample site for our plan to the state. An application for cost sharing was submitted to the Nemaha NRD to abandon and take out the well and well house west of town that has not been used for quite some time. An estimate was received from Precision Well. Schomerus will work with them on this project.
Schoolhouse items: Continued posting of the water will be done at the schoolhouse until we receive good samples. The printer quite working in the office, clerk will spend around $200.00 for a new one.
Property by the elevator: Attorney Stilmock is working on the paperwork and Ordinance for the sell of the Coop Office Building and will notify us when it is completed to post.
One & Six Year Plan – The meeting will be held February 14th.
Public Comments: None
Hincker made a motion to renew The Bar and Nitty Gritty Gas & Thrift liquor License, Oelke seconded, motion carried 3-0.
An accident occurring on 12-31-17 which took out the Village light pole and light on Hwy. 2 and E was discussed. Estimates were received from the Dept. of Roads for the galvanized pole and from Capital City Electric for the light and installing the light. Clerk will get a copy of the accident report from the sheriff’s office and contact the insurance company of the individual who hit the pole. Schomerus made a motion to add the two light poles and lights that are on the highway, that are owned by the Village, to the Village’s insurance policy, seconded by Hincker, motion carried 3-0.
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The following claims were reviewed for January payment:
7196 Dwight Kastens wages/91.5 1,023.01
7197 Arlin Rohlfs wage/37 358.78
7198 Barb Wilhelm wage/16 hrs 194.02
7199 Rita Compton wage/12 hrs 127.44
7200 Corinne Zahn wage/115.5hrs/565 mi 1,912.24
7201 RWD#3 water 2,094.70
AWD NE Dept of Rev sales tax 278.96
7202 Zito hsi 138.24
7203 Nationwide Ins clerks bond 100.00
7204 OPPD water pit 23.00
7205 DHHS water samples 157.00
7206 JEO Road Program 600.00
7207 Bohl Plumbing backflow test 134.51
7208 Syr Do It Best paint/rollers 92.83
7209 NC Util utilities 1,920.87
7210 One Call diggers hotline 11.70
7211 Randy Crownover dirt work waterline 297.00
7212 Dan’s Tire oil/antifreeze 29.60
7213 Windstream phone 68.29
7214 Seneca Sanitation garbage 2,144.50
7215 Recycling Ent recyc 400.00
7216 Dan Crownover wage 92.35
7217 Dale Stoner wage 69.26
7218 Janet Oelke wage 69.26
7219 Scott Hincker wage 69.26
7220 Lynn Schomerus wage 69.26
AWD IRS 941 922.28
7221 Office Depot printer, paper, ink 359.13
7222 NE Dept of Rev keno tax 2,271.18
TOTAL $16,028.67
Oelke made a motion to approve the claims, Hincker seconded, motion carried 3-0.
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The list of delinquent water & sewer patrons was reviewed: Account #022, 037, 063, 088, 128, 167, and 140
In Correspondence: Mileage rate for 2018 is 54.5 cents/mile. Clerk school is in Grand Island this year March 27-29th. Groundhogs day is February 3rd. Tobacco licenses were issued to The Bar and Nitty Gritty for 2018.
The meeting adjourned at 8:37 p.m.
NEXT MEETING: 2-14-18 at the Village Library
Village Clerk-Treasurer
A complete and current copy of these proceedings is available for
inspection at the Village Office during normal business hours.