April 19, 2018
The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the
Vodicka reminded everyone where the Open Meeting Act Poster is located. Peterson made a motion to approve the January 2018 minutes, Daharsh seconded, and motion carried 4-0.
1. Building permits issued/pending: Doug Munstermann and Jerry Wallen.
2. Public Comments: none
1. Plans for a new locker facility for MK Meats: Tom Rhuby discussed and showed the members the blue print for the plans on the new MK Meats building. The building would roughly be 70ft x 84ft. He will be purchasing 3 out of the 4 lots to the east of the existing building. Discussion was held as to the pens, entry ways, and general layout of the building. Crownover discussed where the sewer line and water line were located by the property. The existing building would be torn down after the new one is built.
After reviewing the plans, it was decided they will meet with the Village Board when the final plans are done. Rhuby hopes to be in the new building by January 2019.
The next meeting will be July 19, 2018, 7:30 p.m., at the Village Library.
Recording Secretary