May 07, 2018



            A Special meeting of the Planning Commission of the Village of Unadilla, NE, was held at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, May 07, 2018 in the Library at the Community Center. Notice of said meeting was given by posting in the three following places with the village: Countryside Bank, Post Office, and Community Center message board, not published in the Syracuse Journal-Democrat, and published on A copy of said notice was served to each member of the Planning Commission. Members present were: Steve Vodicka, Rod Wellsandt and Dan Anderson.  Absent and not voting, Matt Daharsh and Joseph Peterson. Visitors: Dan Crownover, Lynn Schomerus and Tom Hruby.

The Meeting was called to order by President Steve Vodicka.  He informed everyone where the Open Meetings Act poster was located.


  1.  Rod Wellsandt made a motion to approve a Conditional Use Permit for the new MK Meats Locker Building, seconded by Dan Anderson.  Crownover discussed the setbacks and layout of where the building was going to be on the lots. 
  2. A variance for a building permit on the property at 771 H St. to build a deck was reviewed.  Rod Wellsandt made a motion to approve the variance, seconded by Dan Anderson.

            3)  Discussion was held on burning or tearing down the house and outer buildings on                  the property at 572 H St. Crownover discussed with the board what he had learned                         from the State Fire Marshalls office and the DEQ. Clerk reported several letters were        mailed to nuisance property owners.

The next meeting will be July 19, 2018, 7:30 p.m., at the Village Library.


                                                Recording Secretary