August 08, 2018
The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Unadilla, Nebraska, was held on Wednesday, August 08, 2018, 7:30 p.m. at the Unadilla Community Library. Notice of said meeting and proposed agenda of then known subjects was given by posting in the three following places within the Village: Countryside Bank, Post Office, and Community Center Notice Board; and by serving a copy of said notice to each member of the Board of Trustees more than 5 days prior to said meeting. Trustees present: Dan Crownover, Dale Stoner, Janet Oelke, Scott Hincker and Lynn Schomerus. Visitors: Gregg Goebel and Steve Cody, Otoe County Emergency Management.
Chairman Crownover called the meeting to order at
Hincker made a motion to approve the July 2018 minutes, Schomerus seconded motion carried 4-0.
Schomerus made a motion to approve the July 2018 treasurer’s report, Oelke seconded, motion carried 4-0.
The amount of the Keno check was $2,037.88
Water consumed: 806,000; water paid for: 675,000; balance for month:
-131,000; YTD: -1,664,000. There was a water main break at 7th & I Street. Lovell Excavating repaired the break. Lead and Copper testing were taken 7-24 along with the regular coliform test. Results came back good on all of them. Zahn registered for a water operator’s class on Sept. 27th for credit hours needed for her operator’s license. Kastens requested having on hand some water main clamps. The clerk will order a 4”, 6” and 2 2” clamps to have on hand.
Schoolhouse items: The Library Board donated $500.00 to use as needed. The Village bought 2 36” fans.
Quonset Property – Preparations are being made to close on the property.
Public Comments: None
Gregg Goebel and Steve Cody from the Otoe County Emergency Management discussed with the Board the Unadilla Operations Plan, Debris Management Program and went over questions the Board had along with discussion of additional training and needed badges.
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Stoner introduced and moved for adoption of Resolution R5-18 Otoe County Local Emergency Operations plan, second by Oelke, motion carried 4-0.
Hincker introduced and moved for adoption of Resolution R6-18 FEMA Degris Management Plan, seconded by Schomerus, motion carried 4-0.
Stoner made a motion to approve and pay Syracuse Iron Works for the gazebo at the park, seconded by Schomerus, motion carried 4-0.
Schomerus introduced and moved for adoption of Resolution R7-18 to designate the address of 467 Main Street for the real estate with the Quonset building on Main Street, seconded by Hincker, motion carried 4-0.
The Board discussed if there are any new projects for the year for our budget workshop. It was decided to keep the budget the same as last year adding $10,000.00 for tractor repairs.
In accordance with state law, salaries for Village employees are as follows: Chairman of the Board $100/meeting; Trustee $75/meeting; Clerk/Treasurer $17.50/hour; Deputy Clerk $15.50/hour; Maintenance $15.00/hour, General Hire $11/hour, Sewer maintenance $17.50/hour with mileage of .54.5/mile. General Office Hire $11.50/hr.
Oelke made a motion to approve and pay the Insurance Premium Notice to Travelers Insurance Company for the fire and rescue workers comp, seconded by Stoner, motion carried 4-0.
The automatic signal devise for the Village siren does not work. Purchasing a new unit was discussed. Schomerus and Crownover will attend the Fire & Rescue meeting on the 10th to find out more about the automatic unit.
Making a semi-truck parking area was discussed and tabled for now.
The following claims were reviewed for August payment:
7431 & 32 Tractor Supply fans 429.98
7433 Dwight Kastens wages/95.5 hrs 1,162.91
7434 Barb Wilhelm wages/40.75 548.31
7435 Corinne Zahn wage/79.5 hrs 1,184.82
7436 NC Utilities util 1,502.25
7437 Gatehouse Media 2 ads 56.50
7438 Zito Media isi 81.24
7439 Syr Do It Best chain, locks, misc 92.00
7440 RWD#3 water 1,982.90
7441 B&B Pump diesel 51.43
7442 Westover rip/rap 1,275.18
7443 DHHS water samples 49.00
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7444 Recycling Ent. Recyc,. 200.00
7445 Quill paper, ink, envel, gar bg 180.18
7446 Lovell Excav water main break 1,500.00
7447 Schmitz Land Sur survey Quonset prop 385.50
7448 League of Munci membership 503.00
AWD NE Dept of Rev Sales tax 330.01
7449 OPPD water pit 28.00
7450 League of Munci water training 45.00
7451 Seneca Sanitat garbage 2,186.40
7452 Arlin Rohlfs wage/41 hrs 416.50
7453 P.O. stamps 50.00
7454 Gatehouse Media ad 41.13
7455 Dan Crownover 2 meetings 184.70
7456 Dale Stoner 1 meeting 69.26
7457 Janet Oelke 1 meeting 69.26
7458 Scott Hincker 2 meetings 138.52
7459 Lynn Schomerus 2 meetings 138.52
7460 SENDD dues 368.00
7461 Syr Iron Works gazebo 14,935.63
7462 Travelers Ins. Fire/resc work comp 1,806.00
7463 Nitty Gritty fuel, misc 260.99
7464 Gatehouse Media ads, notices 71.32
7465 Dataprobe IbootG2 337.90
7466 Windstream phone 69.38
7467 Blue Rivers donation 155.00
7468 Added Touch plant 58.00
TOTAL $33,871.85
Stoner made a motion to approve the claims, Hincker seconded, and motion carried 4-0.
The list of delinquent water and sewer patrons was reviewed: Account # 022, 037, 074, 075, 88, 092, 108, 128 and 176.
In correspondence, The Village received a donation from Dale Bailey, and Rhinehart Kruse Family for the use of the park shelter. The family of Ken Nolting donated 2 fans for the Village use. The tractor was taken to Keim Implement to repair the clutch that went out.
The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Village Clerk-Treasurer
A complete and current copy of these proceedings is available for
inspection at the Village Office during normal business hours.