Unadilla Area Fund Meeting Minutes


The meeting was called to order at 7:07 pm at the library in the Community Center with Bob Brandt, Emily Rumery, Barb Wilhelm, Kristi Buller, Maureen Vogt and Donna Crownover present. Bryan Willnerd and Corrine Zahn were absent. Minutes of the last meeting were presented and approved without any changes.

Treasurer’s Report as of 6.30.2022 and 9.30.2022 were presented. 


Quasi Endowment Fund - $24,700.79

Endowment Fund - $51,542,12

General Fund - $15,876.38

Additional activity since the last meeting:

- Contributions of $1305 for advertising from the Otoe County Visitors Committee, $120 to the All Fund Drive and $400 from Memorial Trees.

Kristi Buller made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Maureen Vogt second. Motion passed. 

Old Business:


New Business:

Annual Nebraska Community Foundation meeting will be held in LaVista November 17. 

All Fund Drive Mailing - The mailing will be sent the first week in November. Confirm Village will pay postage. 

Annual Reception/Meet & Greet - The reception will be held at the Duncan Building at 6:30 pm on Monday, December 5. Arrive at 5:30 for setup (bring centerpiece, appetizer, beverage). Meeting, including election of officers, to begin at 6:00. 

Lincoln Food Bank - A motion was made by Barb Wilhelm to donate $1,000 from the General Fund to the Lincoln Food Bank. Maureen Vogt second. Motion passed.

A motion was made by Barb Wilhelm to adjourn at 7:56 pm. Kristi Buller second. Motion passed. 

The next meeting will take place on 12.5.2022 at 6:00 pm at the Duncan Building. 

Respectfully submitted,

Donna Crownover, Secretary