The meeting was called to order by President Barb Wilhelm with Maureen Vogt, Peggy Leefers, Larry Larson, and Bob Brandt present. Minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed without any additions or corrections.
Barb indicated that we have collected $3445.00 to date for the All-Fund Drive. December 1st is the deadline for all collections. Last year's receipts were $5950. Barb reported that there were some additional donations for the park shelter ($130) and also noted that we have been approved for a 2 to 1 matching grant up to $26,750 by the Richard P. Kimmel and Laurine Kimmel Charitable Foundation, Inc. Our foundation has received almost $13,500 which will be used, in addition to the Kimmel grant. We will need to get final construction estimates to the Kimmel Foundation for final approval. Dan Crownover and Lynn Schomerus, representing the Village of Unadilla, will oversee the construction project and make sure that estimates are in place for the park shelter.
Larry and Bob indicated that they are working with Jerry Friede in order to get some commemorative belt buckles for the silent auction, which will be held in the gym on Groundhog Day. Larry will be in charge of the silent auction and will be requesting items from local merchants for the silent auction. Contact Larry if you have any items to auction.
Peggy also reviewed the activities which will be held at the school. They include the aforementioned silent auction and a flea market for vendors. Registration forms can be downloaded at the Village website if a potential vendor in interested in a spot, which will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the gym. This year's entertainment will be Dick Turpin and Greg Wagner from the Game & Parks. Their presentation will be at 2:30 p.m. at the school gym. The Christian Church will again have their bake sale from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., and Moma Prelle's will have food for sale at the gym. It should be noted that the United Methodist Church will also have their luncheon from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Church. This will give people time to get to the parade which starts at 1:00 p.m. They are having soup, sandwiches, and sausage gravy and biscuits, in addition to homemade desserts and pies. Volunteers interested in helping out at the school or Duncan Building should contact any foundation member. Work shifts will be in increments of 2-4 hours during the day.
Bob also reviewed the itinerary at the Duncan Building. The soup and jerky contest winners will be announced immediately after the parade. Entries will be taken from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and the judging will be done from 12:30 to 1:00 p.m. This year's soup entries will be catergorized into chili, vegetable, and other. Jerky will be entered in an open classification and at least 1/2 pound of jerky will need to be available for judging and for sampling after the judging is complete. Winners of the soup and jerky contest will be announced after the parade and before the crowning of the King and Queen, which will take place at the Bar. There will be prizes awarded in each category.
A discussion was held in regard to the conflict in the Duncan Building between the band and the groundhog poker tournament. It was decided that there is too much going on at the Duncan Building and perhaps the band should play at another location or not play at all. Bob will report back to the committee at the next meeting in December with some recommendations. The parade also needs a Grand Marshall. Please forward any suggestions to a foundation member.
Maureen reported that Groundhog shirts have been ordered and they should be here by December 1st. This year's design is the 2009 poster contest winner, Jamison Bennett. Shirts will be tan and orange (the official groundhog colors!), and available for Christmas presents.
Barb also noted that we need to look to 2010 and get some suggestions from the community on future projects. A hike and bike trail in the park has been mentioned, and also, a community sign placed at a strategic location on the highway. Members of the committee were urged to get input from the community.
Bob indicated that he will be meeting with the Otoe County Visitor's Committee to apply for a grant to help advertise and defray the cost of entertainment. These funds are derived from lodging taxes collected in Otoe County.
The parade will again be led by the Color Guard from VFW Post 5547 and Legion Post 100, and will be kicked off by the Lincoln Sport Parachute Club. Duane Hansen is a member and he will be coordinating their appearance, weather permitting.
The next meeting is scheduled for December 1, 2009, at the Village Clerk's office at 10:00 a.m. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Bob Brandt, Secretary