The meeting was called to order at 10:20 am with Larry Larson, Peggy Leefers, Barb Wilhelm, and Bob Brandt in attendance. Maureen Vogt joined the meeting at 10:40 am due to some conflicts.

A discussion was held in regard to the Groundhog Day celebration. Suggestions and comments were made by each individual in regard to their special areas of interest on Groundhogs Day. Barb noted that we should be sure to thank everyone who assisted. We even had some volunteers this year. Thanks to the Steve & Betty Vodicka family and to Jill Scheeler.

Peggy indicated that the volume of people was down in the gym from the previous year, but all vendors agreed that it was a good day. Peggy also indicated that the food at the gym was a success and added to the atmosphere as did the silent auction, which raised over $1100 for the Foundation. She suggested that next year we move the speaker to 10 or 10:30 am. Bob also indicated that he would talk to Carrie Brandt about preparing a groundhog quilt to auction off at the silent auction next year.

Bob indicated that the Duncan Building attendance was also down. The Greg Blecka Groundhog band did not play at the Duncan Building this year. This made the building more receptive to the soup contest. This year was probably our best soup contest ever! Thanks to Barb, Maureen, and all the judges for their help, especially Michele. Bob also noted that Sheri Moss had some post cards that were left over and we may want to advertise these on the website. Bob also indicated that T-shirt sales were a bit slow this year and we still have approximately 30 available. Next year we probably need to order some extra small shirts, if they are available. Barb indicated that judging the soup and jerky while the parade was in progress made the afternoon festivities go a lot quicker. Approximately 30 band members were supplied hot dogs and pop, in addition to Color Guard members, after the parade in the Duncan Building. Shirley & Ron Conradi, Janet Simmons, and Morgan Hansen also assisted with food and T-shirt sales.

Larry indicated that he was very happy with the silent auction. He sold tickets until about 3:00 pm (for the gun), and the drawing was held in the Duncan Building. Steve Vodicka won the grand prize! A list of silent auction donors can be found online at the website. Thanks to all of them. We hope to get more donations next year from area business'. Bob reported that he had talked to representatives from the Methodist and Christian Churches, and their dinner and bake sale had gone according to plan.

Bob reported that the King and Queen contest had raised $3144 which was split evenly between the Fire & Rescue Squad. This was within $100 raised for the Fire & Rescue from the recent All Fund Drive. The Foundation building balance at year-end was $41,445, which will be used for the shelter in the park, being constructed by Syracuse Iron Works. The general fund has approximately $12,860 in it at year-end. This does not count the proceeds of about $3574 which was sent to the Unadilla Foundation of 2-6-10. We still have between $600 and $800 worth of expenses to pay.

Barb indicated that she thought it was one of the most seamless celebrations we've had, but that shouldn't deter us from doing better next year.

It was decided that the next meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 20, 2010, at 10:00 am at the Village Office. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Bob Brandt, Secretary