The meeting was called to order by President Barb Wilhelm, with Bob Brandt and Peggy Leefers present.

   A review of the park donations was made. We need to obtain a memorial plaque for the park shelter as per the requirements of our grant with the Richard and Laurine Kimmel Charitable Foundation. Bob indicated that he would pursue this and present an estimate to the foundation.

   It was also noted that the foundation paid for the meat at a cost of $327.60 for the BBQ, which was organized by the Christian and Methodist churches in Unadilla.

   Bob reported that there is $13,665.87 left in the ball park/shelter fund at the foundation. He also moved that the money in the KC Stoner Memorial Fund of $2343.18 be transferred to the ball field/park shelter fund to help with completion of the project. Motion was seconded by Barb Wilhelm. Motion passed all voting yea. There needs to be additional cement poured and an enclosed room and serving line erected at the north end of the shelter by June of 2011. Bob also noted that there was $16,187,37 in the general account of the foundation.

   The annual All Fund Drive was discussed. The letter to be mailed to all area patrons was discussed and certain charities deleted and added based on recomendations of those attending. We will meet on October 27, 2010, at 10:00 a.m. for a meeting and mailing session. All volunteers are welcome. All Fund Drive donations should be in by December 1, 2010

   The following items were discussed in regard to the Groundhog Day Celebration:

1.   The Unadilla School - Peggy is coordinating all activities to include the flea market at the gym

2.   Silent Auction/Larry - closes at 12:30 pm at the gym

3.   Bake sale/Christian Church 9-10 am at the gym

4.   Mama Prelle's serving lunch - discussed this possibility

5.   Karen Drevo educational re-enactment at 10:30 am at the gym

6.   Parade at 1:00 pm - starts at Dan's Tire

7.   Methodist Church luncheon from 11-12:30 at the Methodist Church

8.   Duncan Building - Soup and Jerky entries 10:30 - 12:30

9.   T-Shirt sales 8:30 - 12:30 at the gym and Duncan Building

10.   The Bar - Winners of the King & Queen contest 2:00 pm

11.   Judging of jerky and soup contests - results following the parade at the Duncan building

12.    3:30 - 6:30 pm Greg Blecha Band at the Bar - discussed this possibility

13.   Anyone with suggestions for King & Queen candidates should submit them to the foundation by December 1, 2010. Anyone volunteering should contact any foundation member to sign up for a 2-4 hour session on Groundhog Day.

   Future foundation projects were discussed. Some of the items discussed for possible actions include the Library, Girl Scouts, community signage, and a walking path in the park. Any other suggestions should be communicated to a foundation member. The projects that the foundation is interested in are things that will enhance the quality of life in the community and surrounding area, which may include child activities and education.

   Bob indicated that he will follow up with the Otoe County Visitor's Bureau and request marketing funds for the Groundhog Day Celebration.

   There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

   Bob Brandt, Secretary