Unadilla Area Foundation Minutes
The meeting was called to order by President Barb Wilhelm with Larry Larson, Peggy Leefers, Maureen Vogt and Bob Brandt present. Minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and approved without any additions or corrections.
Barb indicated that the park shelter serving line and storage area is almost completed and should be functional for the BBQ the fourth Saturday in June. This shelter will be called the Kimmel/Block Park Shelter and the majority of the money raised for this project was a $26,000 challenge by the Richard and Lauren Kimmel Foundation. The fact that we had an area foundation enabled us to collect tax deductible contributions for the park shelter, and facilitate this grant. The foundation has also contributed over $3,000 of its money for this project and is very proud of the outstanding contributors throughout the area. A commemorative plaque is being ordered for donors.
Barb indicated that the majority of the contributions for the All Fund Drive are in. The total as of the meeting date was $5,485.
The next deadline for donations is 12-28-10, which will also be the next date for our meeting and will be held at the library. Visitors are welcome and the meeting will commence at 10:00 a.m. If anyone was inadvertently left off the All Fund Drive mailing list or you know someone who was, please communicate this to Barb at the City Clerk’s office 828-5355.
Barb displayed some of her silent auctions items which she has received from the University of Nebraska for the auction at the gym. Anyone who has auction items or would like to contribute, please contact Barb, Bob or call Larry Larson at 828-2008. Items will need to be valued at over $25.
Bob indicated that Michelle Wilhelm will be in charge of the jerky judging and that he will contact Jill Sheeler. Jill will be in charge of the soup contest judges, if she consents.
We are looking for projects that will enhance the quality of life in our area. Please forward suggestions to any of the foundation members. We are always open to new ideas.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 10:40 a.m. with the next meeting scheduled for December 28, 2010 at the school library. Visitors welcome.
Bob Brandt, Secretary