Unadilla Area Foundation

Meeting Minutes



The meeting was called to order at 10:05 a.m. with all members present (Maureen, Larry, Peggy, Barb and Bob). 


Barb led a short discussion on the upcoming BBQ, which will be held on June 25, 2011.  The tentative schedule is as follows:

        8:00 a.m.                              Garage Sales/ Flea Market at the Gym

        4:30 p.m.                             Little Tuggers Tractor Pull on the tennis courts

        5:00 – 7:00 p.m.                 BBQ at the New Park Shelter

        5:30 p.m.                             Southeast Area Community Band

        6:30 p.m.                             Shelter dedication 

        7:00 p.m.                             “The Life in Times of Annie Oakley” by Sharlotte Endorf


Note: Sand volleyball will be held on Friday, Saturday and Sunday at the east end of the park.  Stay tuned for further information. 


Barb indicated that some members of the foundation also met on February 22, 2011 and March 22, 2011 to discuss the results of Groundhog’s Day and prepare for the upcoming BBQ. 


Barb also indicated that the old school building now referred to as “The Community Center” is Red Cross Certified and usage of the building is coming together.  Please follow the Unadilla Community website to update the progress of the building.  Barb also indicated that volunteers for the BBQ are needed.  Information is also included on the website. 


The library is progressing nicely thanks to a lot of volunteer work coordinated by Peggy. 


Bob indicated that there was over $3,000 raised for the Unadilla Area Foundation through the soup and Jerky contest, silent auction, and raffle during Groundhog’s Day.  Peggy indicated that the library and the flea market at the gym had netted over $400 for the library and was the location where a lot of people mixed before the parade to not only visit, but to hear the educational reenactment of Maria Rodaway, an early settler and relative of the presenter, Karen Drevo. 


Bob also indicated that Maureen and Barb will be gathering old groundhog shirts in order for Carrie Brandt to make a quit to be raffled off in the 2012 Groundhog event. 


Barb instructed Bob to ask the merchants to pay for the BBQ add and put it in the paper a week before the event.  Barb will need to do the proof. 


Barb also indicated that the next meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 19, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. at the Unadilla Library. 



                                                                                                        Bob Brandt, Secretary