Community Center Library
President Barb Wilhelm called the meeting to order at
With Bob Brandt being absent, there were no minutes or treasurer’s report.
The financial report for the 2012 BBQ was examined. There were no corrections. Suggestions for next year: some type of shade for the west side to block the sun; set up drinks on the east side out of the way; have the band play from 6-7.
Larry reported about $310 had been sold in raffle tickets. He also stated that Kristi Buller at the Bank had designed and printed the tickets and he suggested we purchase a gift certificate at Tonya’s for her. No action taken. Larry has more ticket books printed up for whoever wants to start selling them.
It was agreed that the next meeting will take place on September 18, in the Community Center Library, at
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at
Barbara J. Wilhelm
President & recording secretary