The meeting was called to order at 10:05 a.m. by President Barb Wilhelm with Bob Brandt, Peggy Leefers, Larry Larson, Donna Crownover, and Maureen Vogt present. Corinne Zahn and Amanda Davis were also in attendance. Amanda Davis wanted to thank us on behalf of the People United For Families (PUFF) for our $197 contribution to their organization. PUFF provides afterschool programs for 6th-8th graders in Syracuse. They also have a tutoring program for 1st - 5th graders and helped sponsor an art camp at the Unadilla Community Center in 2012. They are funded by state and foundation grants. Amanda indicated that they will need additional funding in future years.
Standing, left: Donna Crownover, Maureen Vogt, Larry Larson, Amanda Davis
Front left: Peggy Leefers, Bob Brandt, Barb Wilhelm
The results of the Groundhog Day Celebration are as follows:
1. The turnout all over town was excellent and all the entities participating indicated that it was an excellent year!
2. The temperature was 35 degrees at parade time and Unadilla Bill predicted an early spring.
3. Over $8000 was raised for the rescue squad, fire department, the Community Center, the library, and Unadilla Area Fund.
4. Suggestions for 2014 made were:
a. It was suggested that perhaps the grill and meat donation from the locker be auctioned off together somewhere on Main Street after the King and Queen coronation.
b. That the Falcom (cars) be displayed out front of the Duncan Building before the parade (along with Bill), instead of just going direct to the parade staging area.
c. Have better weather for the sky divers!
5. Next year Groundhog Day will be on Sunday, February 2, 2014. Our celebration will be on February 1, 2014, and we'll not have a forecast on the day of the celebration.
Bob indicated the treasury has $37,191.30 on hand at year end, which included about $4000 to be distributed from the All Fund Drive. Total collected in 2012 was $6920 compared to $7416 in 2011. The amount collected from our drive is as follows:
Unadilla Community Center Endowment Fund $1190.00
Unadilla Rescue Squad 1426.00
Unadilla Fire Department 1246.00
Unadilla Library 577.00
Unadilla Area Fund 1111.00
Unadilla Cemetery 306.00
Syracuse Food Bank 636.00
Palmyra Food Bank 56.00
Handi Bus 88.00
People United for Families (PUFF) 197.00
Region 5 (Otoe County Retarded Children) 87.00
Total 6920.00
There being no further business, Barb indicated that the next meeting will be held April 16, 2013, at 10:00 a.m. in the Library. The meeting was declared adjourned.
Bob Brandt, Secretary