
   The meeting was called to order by President Barb Wilhelm with Bob Brandt, Peggy Leefers, and Corinne Zahn present. A motion was made by Brandt and seconded by Wilhelm to invite Corinne Zahn to join the advisory board. Motion passed with all voting year. The board welcomed Zahn to the group.

   Wilhelm indicated that the town had a quote of $2186 from Write Time Communications to install a letter sign for the Community Center. The bill will be submitted to the Foundation for payment. Leefers also committed that the library will be getting a small neon sign to put in the window showing that the library is there.

   Wilhelm indicated that the BBQ will again have sand volleyball, which will be organized by Cassie Royal. The Fun Run was great last year and it is hopeful that Susanna Porter and Sharon Baker will coordinate it again. The Southeast Community Band will play, in addition to the Little Tugger's, which will take place in the afternoon. Anybody who wants to volunteer should contact Zahn or Wilhelm at the clerk's office. Last year was the first year for the horse shoe contest and it looks to be a permanent fixture with the BBQ.

   We looked at plans for a sidewalk from the bathroom to the shelter, which will be installed with the money provided by the Jerry Leefers family. A speaker system was also purchased from the memorial for $240, which was used at the Blue Bird Convention and Groundhog Day. There were over 160 people at the Blue Bird Convention this past Saturday.

   A discussion was held about advertising for the BBQ and Brandt will make an inquiry from the Otoe County Visitors Bureau for funding.

   The next meeting is scheduled for May 14, 2013. The annual BBQ will be held June 22, 2013, which is the fourth Saturday.

   There being no further business it was moved by Leefers and seconded by Zahn to adjourn the meeing. Motion passed unanimously and the meeting was adjourned.


                                                         Bob Brandt, Secretary-Treasurer