Unadilla Area Fund Meeting Minutes


                The meeting was called to order with Bob Brandt, Peggy Leefers, Corinne Zahn, Donna Crownover and Larry Larson present.  Absent were Barb Wilhelm and Maureen Vogt. 

                The following items were discussed:

  1.  The foundation will be sponsoring a prairie tour with Ernie Rousek, from the local Audubon Society, who will be our guide through the Dieken Prairie at 10:00 on June 22nd.  We will gather at the Duncan Building between 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. and then travel to the Dieken Prairie.  Peggy volunteered to prepare ice tea and cookies.  Bob will help Peggy set up at 9:00 that morning.  This will be advertised in the newspaper and each foundation member is encouraged to attend and contact at least two people about the tour.  The Dieken Prairie is a “gem in the rough” for Unadilla.  It’s a first class prairie and most people don’t realize the diversity in this prairie.  This will be a good chance to get some information from a renowned prairie specialist.
  2. The horse shoe contest will be administered by Tim Boerner.  Bob and Brian Zahn will add an additional horseshoe pit at the park and the contest will start at 12:00 p.m.  The entry fee will be $20 per two man team and be limited to the first 16 teams.  You can reserve your place by calling Corinne at the clerk’s office (402) 828-5355. 
  3. A discussion was held in regard to the free will offering and how the ribs, chicken and pork will be served.  Peggy will prepare some signage for the food line and volunteers may call Corinne at the clerk’s office if they would like to help. 
  4. Larry is confident that the raffle will proceed as it has in the past. 
  5. A discussion was also held in regard to items for the silent auction on Groundhogs Day.  Larry indicated that we must have a mindset where were always looking for items for the silent auction year round rather than having to do it 30 to 60 days  before the auction.  This could help our auction immensely and perhaps we might have some larger items for a small live auction. 
  6. Bob indicated that the Nebraska Community Foundation annual meeting will be held at the Lied Center in Nebraska City.  This would be an opportunity for our foundation board to not only attend the banquet, but attend some sessions during the day.  The meeting will be held on Thursday, November 7, 2013 and will be a chance for us to attend, since previous meetings had required an overnight stay. 
  7. A discussion was held in regard to e-mailing minutes.  Peggy indicated that she would e-mail reminders to all board members and perhaps attach an agenda if Barb can provide one to her. 
  8. Bob indicated that he would take care of the advertisement for the BBQ with the local newspaper.  It was also suggested that perhaps we could use the All Fund Drive mailing to remind people to solicit items for the silent auction during Groundhogs Day and also solicit merchant dues, which are being used for advertisements during Groundhogs Day in the newspaper.  Bob will discuss this with members of the merchants association. 
  9. The next meeting for the foundation will be Tuesday, July 9th at 10:00 a.m. at the library. 

It was moved by Larry Larson and seconded by Donna Crownover to adjourn the meeting.  Motion passed unanimously and the meeting was adjourning 


                                                                                                                        Bob Brandt, Secretary