Community Area Fund Minutes
The meeting was called to order by President Barb Wilhelm at 10:05 a.m. with Bob Brandt, Peggy Leefers, Barb Wilhelm and Corrine Zahn present. Maureen Vogt, Larry Larson, and Donna Crownover were absent.
A short discussion was held in regard to the Nebraska Community Foundation annual meeting. Unadilla had eight representatives at the meeting and heard many successful stories of funds throughout Nebraska who are helping make their communities a better place to live.
Bob reported that Donna indicated that she will solicit some businesses in regard to silent auction items, as will other board members. Larry indicated to Bob that he has several items lined up for the Groundhog auction.
Bob reported that the contributions as of the result of the All Fund Drive were at $7,970. Last year’s total was $7,595. Bob indicated that two disbursements were mailed out totaling $390 for planting the memorial trees in the park.
The annual election of officers was filled. A motion was made by Peggy Leefers and seconded by Corrine Zahn to nominate the same slate of officers for the upcoming year. All officers were re-elected unanimously. The officers are: Barb Wilhelm President, Larry Larson Vice President, and Bob Brandt Secretary/Treasurer.
A reception was held in January of 2012 for foundation members and their guests. It was decided that this year we would sponsor the Groundhog Day breakfast at approximately 7:30 a.m. on February 2, 2014 in the Duncan Bldg. This would be the day after the celebration and Bob indicated that he would coordinate the activities with the Central Groundhog Committee and a free will offering and pot luck breakfast would be sponsored by the foundation. Bob indicated that he would mail the advertising fliers for Groundhog’s Day to all Unadilla Area Fund members before the end of the year.
A discussion of Groundhog Day activities ensued. It was decided that we would auction off a silent auction item before the parade. Bob will talk to Bill Farmer about conducting the auction. The item would have to be a fairly nice item in the $200+ range.
A short discussion was held in regard to the endowment for the Community Center. It was agreed by all members that the money in the endowment be used for repairs, maintenance and improvements for the Community Center, which consists of the gym and former elementary school. This will be the focus of our long term fundraising activity for 2014.
The next scheduled meeting is for Tuesday, January 14, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. at the library. All visitors are welcome.
There being no other business the meeting was adjourned.
Bob Brandt, Secretary