Community Area Fund Minutes
The meeting was called to order by President Barb Wilhelm at 10:05 a.m. with Bob Brandt, Peggy Leefers, Barb Wilhelm, Larry Larson and Corrine Zahn present. Maureen Vogt and Donna Crownover were absent.
Barb lead a short discussion on the schedule for Groundhog’s Day and verified the list of sponsors who had contributed to the Unadilla Area Fund and represented businesses in the area. It was noted that Bill Farmer will conduct an auction after the parade for a gift certificates for season tickets to The Loft. The winner can pick their own dates and time. In additions, a wine basket complements of LZ Farms and a one night stay in Bev & Chucks guest house two miles east of Unadilla on Hwy 2 will be included, in addition to a gift certificate from The Bar and three kids commemorative Groundhog
Larry indicated that silent auction items should be taken to the Community Center and given to Corinne. Some of the items that are donated are as follows: a family membership to the Community Center donated by the Village of Unadilla, a commemorative belt buckle donated by Gerry Friede, a prime rib donated by M K Meats, ½ hog processed by M K Meats donated by a member of the Unadilla Area Fund, a framed picture donated by Staack Furniture, and a groundhog carving donated by Tom Rodaway. A discussion was held in regard to the schedule of events and the schedule was reviewed. Donna will be helping Larry with the silent auction at the Community Center.
Everyone is encouraged to attend the King & Queen reception from 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 30, 2014 at The Bar.
The next meeting will be held February 18, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. where the results of the Groundhog’s Day celebration will be tallied.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
Bob Brandt, Secretary