Community Fund Area Minutes


                The meeting was called to order by President Barb Wilhelm at 10:10 a.m. with Peggy Leefers, Larry Larson, Corrine Zahn, and Bob Brandt present.  Maureen Vogt and Donna Crownover were absent. 

                Barb noted that the All Fund Drive collected to date is $8,145.  This has been distributed to area charities.  Each contribution was noted on the community website.  Thanks again to all that contributed. 

                Barb led a discussion in regard to the suggestions for next year’s Groundhog Day Celebration.  Among the suggestions were the following:

  • Auction the loyalty basket off at The Bar instead of at the Duncan Building. This year it brought $190.  This was a real bargain!

  • Start searching for a new speaker early

  • Make sure area businesses realize that if they donate to the All Fund Drive we will voluntarily put them as a sponsor on the ads we purchase for Groundhog’s Day and the BBQ.

  • It should be noted that $500 was received from the Otoe County Visitors Committee to reimburse us for advertising costs in Nebraska Life and Gatehouse Media.  Apply again in October 2014.

  • We need to make sure to sell T-shirts at the Community Center and perhaps provide a shuttle service from downtown. 

  • The committee is seeking input for next year’s event.  It should be noted that this year there were 13 entry’s in the Spam recipe contest, which complimented the soup and jerky contest nicely.  In fact, there was even an entry of “Spam” jerky!

  • Advertise the Groundhog birthday float – only one entry this year!

  •                 Overall, it was the general feeling of the committee that the celebration went well, although we felt that the snow in the morning limited the crowd at the gym for our speaker and the flea market.  Bob noted that this year the two groundhog mascots, who were suspicioned to be Jan and Turner, had many photo opportunities with Unadilla Bill in front of the Duncan Building between 11:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. before the parade.  This was also a nice area for media interviews. 

                    Bob indicated that the balance in the general fund as of 12-31-13 was $33,868.  The endowment fund had a balance of $4,251.62 at year end.  In addition to the money raised for the library, and the girl & cub scouts, the fund collected $873 a piece for the Unadilla Area Fund, Unadilla Rescue Squad and the Unadilla Rural Fire Department. 

                    In addition, money was raised by events in the Duncan Building and the silent auction at the Community Center in the amount of $3,984.  A portion of this will go to the Community Center Endowment and some may be used to erect a new flag pole in the park this spring.  This will be a nice compliment to the new sidewalks, trees, and shelter provided in part by our fund for the park.  In addition to being a good fundraiser for the community, it serves as an advertisement that our community is a progressive community and it’s a great place to own a home and raise a family!

                    All members were encouraged to solicit recommendations for the use of funds in the future and to make sure donors are aware of projects supported by our funds proceeds!

                    The next meeting will be April 22, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. at the Community Center.                  There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. 


    Bob Brandt, Secretary/Treasurer