Unadilla Area Fund Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order by President Barb Wilhelm with Bob Brandt, Peggy Leefers, Larry Larson, Barb Wilhelm Maureen Vogt and Corinne Zahn present. Donna Crownover was absent.
A short visit to the meeting was made by Village Board Chairman, Dan Crownover, who informed the committee about the upcoming roof repairs for the community center and gym. He indicated that the cost for the roof on the gym would be approximately $18,000 and the community center $28,000. Keno funds are available for the majority of the repair. After a short discussion it was moved by Larry Larson to give the Village of Unadilla $10,000 for roof repairs to the community center. Motion was seconded by Barb Wilhelm. Motion passed with a unanimous vote.
A review of the BBQ, which was held on a day with a likely chance of rain, was discussed. The Fun Run had over 30 runners and the weather was perfect! The Dieken Prairie tour had approximately 13 kids from ages 5 – 12. The water slide was busy all afternoon and the kids had a great and safe time. Thirteen teams participated in the horseshoe tournament and the “little tuggers” event went off without any rain, although, the baseball games and band were cancelled and the volleyball tournament did not go off this year. There were approximately 275 dinners served. As always, Dan Masters, did an excellent job with the BBQ chicken and ribs. He has agreed to do the BBQ again in 2015.
Corinne also gave a profit and loss report of the BBQ, which indicated that it was more or less breakeven. A motion was made by Bob Brandt and seconded by Barb Wilhelm to pay $605 of the MK Meat bill for the BBQ. Motion passed all voting yea.
Bob also noted that Troy Pabst had donated twelve trees and that Troy and Bob had planted these trees at the park, community center and the streetscape plots on July 3, 2014.
It was noted that the next meeting will take place on Tuesday, October 14, 2014 at 10:00 a.m.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
Bob Brandt