Unadilla Area Fund Meeting Minutes
January 13, 2015 10:00 a.m. Unadilla Library
Present: Barb Wilhelm, Larry Larson, Maureen Vogt, Bob Brandt, Peggy Leefers, Corrine Zahn, and Sue Saathoff.
President Barb Wilhelm called the meeting to order. Minutes of previous meeting were distributed and approved.
Barb informed the committee she received a letter from the Nebraska Humanities Council notifying us we had reached the $750 limit and thus would be responsible for $242.00 for the speaker for GroundHog Day. It was agreed this payment would be paid from the Unadilla Foundation fund; Bob will take care of this. Barb will contact the Nebraska Humanities Council for more information regarding the dollar limit.
We received notice from the Statewide Arboretum regarding annual dues. Bob will follow up on this.
Barb distributed a list of Unadilla Area Fund Projects going back to 2002. She will place this on the website.
GroundHog Day Celebration update:
- Speaker presentation time was changed to 10:15 at last meeting. Barb has notified speakers Deb Carpenter Knolting and Lyn Messersmith of this time change.
- Peggy reported on the miniature display of Unadilla being made by Corey Schulze and Sharon Denaree which will be displayed at the Library.
- Quilt Show is on track.
- Bob distributed copies of the GroundHog Day Celebration advertisement. This was reviewed and approved by committee.
- Silent Auction: Larry reported we have about 15 to 20 items for the silent auction. Everyone is encouraged to bring in items. Larry will get Donna Crownover to assist with this as she has done in the past.
- Set up at gym: Peggy and Sue will be at the gym/library on Friday evening, February 6th, from 5:00 to 8:00. Everyone else is encouraged to assist at 7:00 p.m.
- Items for sale: Peggy reported on sale items of groundhog cookie cutters, groundhog books, and groundhog pins.
- Duncan Building: Bob reported on happenings at the Duncan building which include display of the official GroundHog car, the Ford Falcon; T-shirt sales; reception area for the Color Guard; NinaJean Rohlfs music; Boy Scout hot dog sales; and the Nebraska Nut Growers selling nuts and honey.
- Antique cars: John Moss will have his antique cars on display and in the parade.
- The Bar will not be serving food this year.
A general discussion was held regarding non-profit organizations involvement in GroundHog Day events.
Bob reported on additional events leading up to the GroundHog Day celebration which will be in a letter sent out:
Thursday, January 29: Unadilla Foundation Reception at The Bar from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. Current King and Queen Candidates as well as past King and Queens will be invited.
Monday, February 2: GroundHog reception and breakfast at the Duncan building. The official weather forecast is done at this time.
Saturday, February 7: GroundHog Day Parade at 1:00 on Main Street.
Results of the All Fund Drive: $6,915.00. This will be announced at the GroundHog Day Celebration prior to the King and Queen crowning.
Treasurers Report: Bob provided the treasurer’s report. As of 9/30/14, the following:
All Fund: $130.00
Community Center Endowment: $4,277.59
General Account: $28,582.09
Total: $32,989.68
Next meeting is set for Tuesday, February 17, 2015, at 10:00 at the Library.
Respectfully submitted:
Sue Saathoff