Unadilla Area Fund Meeting Minutes

February 17, 2015       11:00 a.m.          Unadilla Library

Present:  Barb Wilhelm, Maureen Vogt, Bob Brandt, Peggy Leefers, Corrine Zahn, and Sue Saathoff.  Absent:  Larry Larson, Donna Crownover.

President Barb Wilhelm called the meeting to order.  Minutes of previous meeting were approved.

Follow up items: 

Barb Wilhelm reported that she contacted the Nebraska Humanities Council.  Because of the distance our speakers had to travel and the cost for mileage, we went over the amount that the Humanities Council would cover for this year.  The extra was paid out of the general fund.  This is just an overage for this year; we will be able to utilize the Humanities Council for next year.

Bob Brandt reported that the annual dues of $130 have been paid to the Statewide Arboretum.  Since Unadilla is now certified by the state as an arboretum, it was decided that a dedication ceremony will occur at the annual town barbeque held this June.

Groundhog Celebration Report: 

Everyone agreed that the 2015 Groundhog Celebration Day was a success.  The Silent Auction raised $2,093.00.  Miscellaneous donations related to the grill and the M&K meat gift certificate totaled $1,357 net after expenses.  Soup contest raised $34.  T-shirts were good; Bob reported there are about 50 left.  Library raised $437 as a result of vendor space rentals, book sale, and donations. All food vendors did very well – all ran out. 

Discussion was held regarding getting a new groundhog for next year.

We received $500 from the Otoe County Visitors Bureau which was used for advertisements.

Some issues were noted:  There were only 2 entries for the jerky contest.  At the parade, some spectators could not hear announcements; we will use loud speakers next year.

It was discussed and agreed to move the start time at the Community Center back to 9:00 next year as attendance during that first half hour was low.

Quilt show had 53 quilts on display.  Everyone agreed this was a huge success.

The miniature Unadilla display was a huge success.   A lot of positive comments were overheard.

Treasurer’s Report:

Groundhog King & Queen Contest raised $1,762.31.  This will be distributed as follows:

            Rescue Unit                 $587.44

            Fire Unit                      $587.44

            Endowment Fund        $587.43

Maureen Vogt made a motion that the amount received for the Unadilla Fund of $587.43 be placed into the Endowment Fund for Community Center.  Peggy Leefers seconded.  Motion was passed.

Balances as of 12/31/14:       

All Fund                                   $7,045.00

            (includes $6,915 from the All Fund Drive in 2014)

            Community Endowment         $4,340.92

            General Fund                          $49,093.13

            Grand Total                             $60,479.05

Withdrawals from fund:

            Speakers                                  $242.00

            Tree plaques                           $79.75

Advertisement in NE Life        $345.00

Bob Brandt shared a letter he received from the Nebraska Community Foundation.  It also included the financial reports for the Unadilla Community fund for the quarter ended December 31, 2014.

New Items:

Peggy Leefers reported that the Schwan salesman discussed their fund raising program.  They offer to donate 20% of orders designated as part of our fund raising program made during a 45 day period – usually between Thanksgiving and Christmas – and an additional 5% for next year.  All agreed this was a good idea and will be planned for next fall.

Bob Brandt submitted a request on February 4, 2015, to the Nemaha Resource District for Unadilla to receive a matching grant of $25,000.

The miniature Unadilla display  has now been set up in the northeast room of the Community Center.  This room will become the Unadilla history display to include other Unadilla history items.  It was suggested that Barb Wilhelm head up a committee to spearhead this effort.

Peggy Leefers suggested that a lunch offering be available at the Community Center on Memorial Day for people visiting the local cemeteries.  This will be discussed further at the April meeting.

Peggy Leefers brought up the topic of new members for the board.  Discussion was held.  Everyone was encouraged to think of prospective new members.

Next meeting is set for Tuesday, April 7, 2015, at 10:00 at the Library.

                                                                                    Respectfully submitted:

                                                                                    Sue Saathoff
