Unadilla Area Fund Meeting Minutes

May 5, 2015       10:00 a.m.          Unadilla Library

Present:  Barb Wilhelm, Maureen Vogt, Peggy Leefers, Larry Larson, Corrine Zahn, Donna Crownover, Bob Brandt and Sue Saathoff.   

President Barb Wilhelm called the meeting to order.  Minutes of previous meeting were reviewed.  Motion for approval was made by Bob Brandt, was seconded by Peggy Leefers, and approved by members.

Treasurer’s Report:

Bob distributed to the members the first quarter financial reports received from the Nebraska Community Foundation.  He presented the treasurer’s report with balances as of March 31, 2015:

             Community Center Endowment                    $5,893.14

            General Account                                             $53,546.16

            All Fund Drive                                                 $400.00

                                                Total                            $59,839.30

Disbursements to:

Unadilla Area General Fund                           $1,375.00

Community Center Endowment                     $905.00

Community Library                                         $735.00

Fire Department                                              $1,075.00

Rescue Squad                                                $1,980.00

Otoe County Handi-Bus                                 $155.00

Western Otoe County Food Pantry                $30.00

Syracuse Area Churches Food Pantry          $390.00

                                    Total                            $6,645.00

Motion to approve the treasurer’s report was made by Sue Saathoff; seconded by Peggy Leefers; approved by members.

Follow up items:

The grant request made to the Natural Resources District was approved.  This will be a one-to-one match up to $25,000.  We will use funds from the general fund for our match.  Bob reported that the estimated cost for the walking/biking trail is $53,500.  This will be a trail approximately 2500 feet long, 4 to 6 feet wide through the Unadilla Arboretum (park).  The trail will access the shelter, restrooms, park, volleyball court and the scenic overlook [highest point].  Approval of the plan was given by the Unadilla Village Board.  Bob stated the work will be done beginning in July and completed in September. 

Last meeting Sue Saathoff had reported that we would receive a donation of conference room chairs from Cabela’s.  Unfortunately, Cabela’s was able to find a buyer for the chairs; thus, no donation will be made.

Discussion was held regarding Otoe County Visitor’s Council funds. Donna Crownover, a member of the OCVC, wanted to be sure that we were aware that funds were available and made use of them when appropriate.  Funds can be used to advertise outside of Otoe County.  All members should keep these in mind as we plan events.

Peggy Leefers reported on the upcoming Memorial Day Luncheon.  This will be held Monday, May 25th.  Set up will be begin at 9:00 with the luncheon being held from 11:00 to 1:00.  Advertising will be done through the local churches.  Barb will see to signage and flyers at the cemetaries.  Peggy has received the $250 grant from Thrivent which includes T-shirts for the volunteers serving at the luncheon, banners, etc.  The luncheon will be a free will offering with the money going to the Unadilla History Room  The History Room and the Library will be open during the luncheon.

Groundhog Day:

Barb Wilhelm handed out information regarding potential speakers for next year’s Groundhog Day.  Members provided input.  The first choice was Bill Ganzel with the topic of the dust bowl.  Barb will follow up.

New Items:

Discussion was held regarding the upcoming Unadilla Barbeque which will be held Saturday, June 27.  Bob reported there will be a presentation on the Unadilla Arboretum and there will be representatives from the Nebraska State Arboretum organization present.

The following memorials to the Unadilla Area Fund will be dedicated in the Unadilla Arboretum surrounding the park shelter at the Unadilla BBQ:

            Ardith Hopp                 1944 – 2007

            Jerry Leefers               1938 – 2012

            William Vogt               1923 – 2013

            Bill Brandt                   1924 – 2000

            H.A. Butt                      1862 – 1951

            Trixie Ziemann                        1947 – 2012

            Russell Ziemann          1941 – 2012

            Ralph Tipken               1927 – 2014

            Margo Larson             1940 – 2013

Discussion was held regarding the committee addressing issues in the community.  One topic was the beautification of the community with a possible tie-in to the June 20th cleanup day.

Glenda Willnerd was welcomed to the meeting.  All members approved Glenda joining the board.

Next meeting is set for Tuesday, July 14, 2015, at 10:00 at the Library.

                                                                                    Respectfully submitted:

                                                                                    Sue Saathoff
