Unadilla Area Fund Meeting Minutes

July 14, 2015      10:00 a.m.          Unadilla Library

Present:  Barb Wilhelm, Peggy Leefers, Corrine Zahn, Donna Crownover, Glenda Willnerd, Bob Brandt and Sue Saathoff.   Absent:  Maureen Vogt, Larry Larson

President Barb Wilhelm called the meeting to order.  Minutes of previous meeting were reviewed.  Motion for approval was made by Bob Brandt, was seconded by Peggy Leefers, and approved by members.

Treasurer’s Report:

Bob reported the following balances as of March 31, 2015 since he has not yet received the 2nd quarter financial report from the Nebraska Community Foundation:

            All Fund Drive                                     $   400.00

            CC Endowment Fund                           $ 5,893.14

            General Fund                                      $53,546.16

            Total                                                    $59,839.30

Disbursements since last meeting of May 5, 2015:

            NSA Memorial Signage (9)                 $   118.81        June 29, 2015

            B103.1 Ad for BBQ                              $   200.00        July 7, 2015

            Gatehouse Media – Ad for BBQ         $   175.00        July 7, 2015

Contributions since last meeting of May 5, 2015:

            Unadilla Merchants                            $ 1,506.01       July 7, 2015

            Horseshoe Contest Entries                  $   215.00        July 2, 2015

            Otoe Co. Visitors Committee              $   200.00        June 24, 2015

The Unadilla Merchants group has disbanded.  They had a balance of $3,926.52.  After paying for the flag and flag pole – cost of $2,420.51 – this left a balance of $1,506.01 which was deposited into the general fund as shown under contributions. 

Motion was made by Sue Saathoff to approve the disbursements and the treasurer’s report, was seconded by Donna Crownover, and approved by members.

Follow up items:

Bob Brandt reported that the preliminary bid for the walking/bike trail was received.  This will be presented to the Unadilla Village Board meeting on August 12th.

Annual BBQ:

All agreed the BBQ was a huge success with a very good attendance.  The Good Fun Run held the day of the BBQ was very organized and successful.  Peggy Leefers reported they may not do snacks for runners next year as very few took advantage of this.  Corrine Zahn stated that the route for the run will change next year and it will end at the Post Office.

The BBQ expense summary was distributed for review.  This reflected a basic breakeven.

Groundhog Day:

Barb Wilhelm reported that Bill Ganzel will be the speaker for the 2016 Groundhog Day with the topic of the dust bowl.  Bob Brandt will make payment of $75.00 to the Humanities Nebraska.

New Items:

Barb Wilhelm received a presentation schedule sponsored by the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum.  These presentations are at noon on the first Thursday each month and held in Keim 150 Park in Lincoln.  She will post this on the Unadilla webpage.

Corrine Zahn reported that the Village Board is considering a proposal from a recycling company and would like to proceed if the Foundation would agree to cover one-half of the annual cost.  The recycling company’s proposal would cost $200 per month; thus, the Foundation is being requested to cover $100 per month or $1200 for the year.  The Village would cover the other costs which include rocking the area for the recycling bins.  The Village Board is planning to try this for one year.  Bob Brandt made a motion to approve the Foundation covering one-half the cost or $1200 for a one year commitment, was seconded by Sue Saathoff, and approved by members.

Next meeting is set for Tuesday, October 6, 2015, at 10:00 at the Library.

                                                                                    Respectfully submitted:

Sue Saathoff, Secretary