Unadilla Area Fund Meeting Minutes
July 12, 2016 10:00 a.m. Library
Present: Bob Brandt, Corinne Zahn, Glenda Willnerd, Maureen Vogt, and Sue Saathoff.
Absent: Donna Crownover, Barb Wilhelm, and Larry Larson
Vice President Corinne Zahn called the meeting to order. Minutes of the previous meeting were read. Two corrections were noted. Motion for approval to minutes was made by Corinne Zahn, seconded by Maureen Vogt and approved by members.
Treasurer’s Report:
Bob Brandt distributed copies of the June 30, 2016, financial reports received from the Nebraska Community Foundation. Balances are as follows:
All Fund Drive $ 400.00
CC Endowment Fund $ 8,204.20
General Fund $14,450.97
Total $23,055.17
Disbursements since last meeting of May 3, 2016:
7/5/16 Advertisement for BBQ $ 175.00
Contributions since last meeting of May 3, 2016:
6/28/16 Horseshoe Tournament $ 240.00
5/5/16 Roland Rodaway, Donation $ 100.00
Sue will send a thank you to Roland on behalf of the Foundation.
Bob reported that Nebraska Community Foundation has a new affiliated fund coordinator, Janny Crotty, who replaces Greta Leach. Janny wants to meet with our group. Bob will work with her to schedule a meeting on August 10th.
Nebraska Life has decided the time has come to publish an annual statewide travel guide. It will be called “Nebraska Traveler” and will be ready for the 2017 season – in combination with Nebraska’s 150th anniversary and Nebraska Life’s 20th anniversary. Nebraska Life is asking for input from communities both for editorial content and advertising. Unadilla will contribute material and will advertise our community at a cost of $1,000. Bob will apply for funds from the Otoe County Visitor’s Bureau.
Sue Saathoff made a motion to approve, Maureen Vogt seconded, and all members approved both the treasurer’s report and the transactions listed above.
Groundhog Day Celebration
Donna had contacted the Better Beef Producers 4-H Club and they will take over the concession stand at the Community Center for next year’s Groundhog Day Celebration.
Corinne reported that Barb Wilhelm has suggested Sarah Crook, Professor at Peru State College, to be the speaker for next year’s Groundhog Day Celebration. All agreed.
The Raffle next year will be done by the Unadilla Community Library.
Annual BBQ
All agreed the annual BBQ was a huge success. It was well attended with lots of positive comments. New this year were games for both kids and adults put on by the Christian Church; all agreed this was a great addition. Bob reported that the bank sent a thank you letter and gift certificate to Tim Borner, coordinator of the horseshoe contest. The addition of softball games was well attended; Corinne sent thank you letters to the two Lincoln softball team coaches. A few suggestions for improvement for next year include: moving the playing time for the band – some people couldn’t hear the music; better communication regarding all the events so they can be included in the advertisement – a few items were excluded; addition of ceiling fans for park shelter. All agreed the water slides for the kids were a huge hit! Corinne compiled the expenses and income with an ending balance for the event of -$355.70.
New Items
Sue reported that the Library has purchased a standing sign that can be used indoors or outdoors. This can be used by all groups at the Community Center.
On a sad note, the species known as groundhog has become extinct. Thus, a new weather prognosticator will need to be found
The recycling contract was discussed. The Village Board would like the Foundation to continue to fund ½ the costs. This service is used by both Unadilla residents and people who live in the surrounding area. After discussion, Bob made a motion to approve payment for ½ the recycling costs or $1200 for the year from the Foundation General Fund. Sue Saathoff seconded and all members approved.
Discussion was held regarding the upcoming annual fund raising mailing. Suggestions were made regarding removing some line items and perhaps adding others. This will be decided at the October meeting.
Sue reported that the Memorial Day Lunch was held at the Community Center from 11:30 to 1:30 on May 30. Approximately 85 people attended and $646 was raised for the history rooms.
A big thank you to Kevin Rippe for the donation of hostas for the park, a beautiful addition.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be Tuesday, October 11, 2016, at 10:00 at the Library.
Meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted:
Sue Saathoff, Secretary