Unadilla Area Fund Meeting Minutes
October 11, 2016 10:00 a.m. Library
Present: Barb Wilhelm, Bob Brandt, Corinne Zahn, Glenda Willnerd, Peggy Leefers, Maureen Vogt, and Sue Saathoff.
Absent: Donna Crownover and Larry Larson.
President Barb Wilhelm called the meeting to order. Minutes of the previous meeting were read. Motion for approval of minutes was made by Glenda Willnerd, seconded by Bob Brandt and approved by members.
Treasurer’s Report:
The 3rd quarter financial report has not yet been received from the Nebraska Community Foundation. Thus, balances listed below are as of June 30, 2016. Balances are as follows:
CC Endowment Fund $ 8,204.20
General Fund $14,450.97
Total $23,055.17
Disbursements since last meeting of July 26, 2016:
7/28/16 NE Traveler $ 950.00
9/29/16 NE Statewide Arboretum -- $ 130.00
Affiliate Site Dues
Contributions since last meeting of July 26, 2016:
Bob reported that he will be making application to the Otoe County Visitors Bureau to cover the expense of our participation in the NE Traveler.
Motion was made by Corinne Zahn to approve the treasurer’s report and transactions. Seconded by Peggy Leefers and approved by all members.
Groundhog Day
Barb Wilhelm reported that Sarah Crook, our original choice for a speaker for Groundhog Day, has a scheduling conflict and is unable to attend. Barb has arranged for Reagan Anson to speak. Reagan will talk about Nebraska history and the plans for the state’s 150th anniversary in 2017. Peggy Leefers and Sue Saathoff shared information regarding Chris Sayre, the speaker/entertainer at the FCE State Meeting. Chris is both a historian and a musician and shares history while performing songs that represent various ethnic groups that settled Nebraska. Both Peggy and Sue feel that Chris would be an excellent speaker for the 2018 Groundhog Day.
Annual Fund Mailing
Discussions were held regarding the upcoming Unadilla Area All-Fund Drive mailing. It was decided to remove the following choices from the mailer: Bike/Walk Path @ Park, Syracuse Area Churches Food Bank, Otoe County Handibus, and Western Otoe County/Palmyra Food Bank. We will add the following: Unadilla Park & Arboretum Fund, Unadilla Area Recycling Center.
Sue Saathoff suggested we include an explanation regarding the Endowment Fund to encourage increased donations to this fund. Our goal is to grow this to $100,000 by 2025. Barb will prepare a write up.
It was discussed and decided to remove the section regarding the donating items for the Silent Auction. This did not prompt any donations last year. Also, since the Unadilla Merchants fund is no longer in existence, this section will be removed.
Barb will revise the Area All-Fund Drive sheet and distribute it to the other members for their review and approval.
It was discussed and decided to again include information regarding where funds have been used in the past. Sue will update this sheet and provide to all. This will be placed on the back of the sheet asking for donations.
The mailing will be assembled and prepared for mailing on October 25, 2016, at 10:00 in the Library. Postage will be paid by the Village this year. Discussion was held regarding supplies.
Targeted mail date is October 27, 2016.
Annual Reception
It was decided to once again host a reception for new residents in Unadilla. It will be held on Tuesday, December 6th, 2016 at 5:30 p.m. at the Duncan Building. We will have a short business meeting that same day at 5:00. Sue will prepare the invitation and Corinne will put together the list of Unadilla residents to invite. All members of the board are asked to bring a bottle of wine and appetizers for the event.
New Items
Bob Brandt reported that he received a grant for 4 trees from the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum. The trees have been planted at the park. Bob also reported he has purchased additional memorial plaques for use in the park. A thank you to Peggy Leefers for the donation of Karl Forrester grasses for the park – a beautiful addition.
To honor veterans, Barb Wilhelm reported that the History and Veterans Room will be open on Veterans Day, November 11, 2016, at 9:00. Coffee and donuts will be provided.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be Tuesday, December 6th, 2016, at 5:00 at the Duncan Building. We will elect officers for 2017 at this meeting.
Meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted:
Sue Saathoff, Secretary